(reflection in creek on Huckleberry Trail) No vision and you perish; No ideal, and you're lost; Your heart must ever cherish Some faith at any cost. Some hope, some dream to cling to, Some rainbow in the sky, Some melody to sing to, Some service that is high. ~Harriet Du Autermont
"Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, can not long retain it" ~Abraham Lincoln "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ John F. Kennedy
"Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement."~ Nelson Mandela
My heart is heavy tonight with all that is going on in Iran. My thoughts and prayers are with the Iranian people.
The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land we inhabit are not only critical elements in the quality of life we enjoy - they are a reflection of the majesty of our Creator. Rick Perry