
Looks like a leaf..........

The more I see, the less I know for sure.
 ― John Lennon 

The Butterfly that Looks Like a Leaf
I think it is a Question Mark Butterfly....see the little markings on the wings?
Image made at the Izaak Walton Park - Christiansburg, Virginia


  1. What perfect camoflague. Great shots.

  2. It is a nice shot.

    And thanks for visiting my blog and website.

  3. Interesting butterfly. I don't remember ever seeing one of these; either they don't live in Pa or I haven't looked close enough.

  4. You know whats really strange here. When I clicked on your blog link the second photo loaded first and I thought.. hmm yes it is a leaf and when the second photo popped in it was almost like it was animated. I was amazed.

    Nice capture here :)

  5. What an interesting butterfly! I have never seen one like that - unfortunately there is very little variety here in North Dakota. Great work!

  6. I believe it's a painted lady or a tortoiseshell. (^.^)quite common where i come from.
