
Time Flies By

Gather ye rose-buds while ye may, Old time is still a-flying. And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying.- Henry David Thoreau


  1. A Beautiful Image...I'm still clinging to the last bit of Fall too!

  2. Reminds me of the header pic on my blog except yours is a maple and mine an oak (-8 -- there is beauty even in "dead" things!

  3. It's definitely been some seasons of extremes here too. Too hot in the summer and fall, and now, like a yo-yo... up and down. Supposed to be back up to 70 today!

  4. Oh! I love this photo...and this poem by Thoreau!!! Nice post! :-)

  5. So beautiful and I love the title!

  6. Magnificent photo- beautiful imagery, colors and wow that depth of field is fantastic. I too feel that time is passing much too quickly. Thanks for sharing.
    Johnina :*D

  7. Great shot, and yes - time flies by. We were right at freezing temps over the weekend and today's high is 75. Gotta love weather in the South!

  8. I thought it was getting chilly here - in the 30's - but think I'll take it over your low 20's! Hope you are feeling better.

  9. Brrr.. and yet it still looks warm and cozy in your photos.. always does.

  10. This is stunning! I love fall, but I wish it were a bit longer. The colors are so rich and beautiful.

  11. It just can't quite let go. Nice capture.

  12. Yep, I hear you. It was 21ยบ here this morning, and almost all the leaves are down now, so you know what's coming next, BUT we just have to wait till Dec 21st, and the daylight will begin to increase...

  13. Yes winter is coming!!! But that's also a nice season... I love when we do have snow over here, even if it is a bit cold!

  14. Indeed, time does fly. We must capture the good things of life moment by moment.

    Beauty picture and words!

    Thank you!

  15. I like this single leaf hanging on and the background.

  16. Similar situation here Kerri with carpets of colour on the floor.

  17. We had our first hard frost Sunday but it made it into the mid 60s today. The weather guesser was just on the tube saying to enjoy the warm weather while we can because there's an Arctic front in our near future. Does anyone know how to start a snow shovel? I can't even find the keys for the stupid thing!

  18. A most lovely fall image, Kerri! What I most enjoy about your photography is that your images evoke feelings. You can't get any better than that. Very well done ... as always.

  19. Beautiful composition and title for this image.

  20. I really like this one - reminds me of the "Tis the Last Rose of Summer" song.

    Oh we are getting dipped into the time of year that is so hard to bear! Darkness, cold ...

    At least there is joy in our hearts!!
