
Away from the Crowd

Get away from the crowd when you can. Keep yourself to yourself, if only for a few hours daily. 
~ Arthur Brisbane


  1. I already do this, so I guess I'm ahead of the game . . .
    Lovely image, my friend. Enjoy your Sunday ~

  2. Hi Kerri, Very nice post. Arthur Brisbane is on to something. In this fast paced world it is all too rare to see someone who can sit quietly and peacefully for just a few minutes without being busy doing something. And yet being quiet and peaceful can do wonders for all parts of our being. At least it's true for me. Thank you, as always, for another wonderful post and have a good Sunday!

  3. I am SO there. Hermits R Me (because Us would mean a crowd).

  4. Oh yes,it is so important to spend time alone,but not too much,or life gets lonely.Great image.Wishing for you a beautiful day.

  5. Hmmm....Yeah, for a little while. But more importantly, in my opinion, is making sure the "crowd" you're with is a good crowd!! LOL The photo looks like he's getting away from a questionable bunch!! ^_^

  6. Reminds me a little of a modern "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" .....

  7. A most beautiful image! Wonderful quote. Always a pleasure to visit your blog daily.

  8. Beautiful image. I love the impression of freedom that images of birds in flight always gives. Good lord - what a clunky sentence that is. Sorry :-)

  9. We are enabled to recover something of ourselves when we experience times of solitude.

    Thank you for the quote and the beautiful photograph!

    Happy day!

  10. I love to be in La-La-Land~!
    IT's good for the soul and good for me.
    Have a Tiggeriffic Day~!
    Ta Ta For Now from Iowa~!~!

  11. Reminds me of Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach.

  12. Yes, that bird would definitely not be me. Always doing my own thing. Besides, those other birds are hogging the whole rock! LOL!

  13. You can see so much more in nature when you are alone and quiet. Thanks for the reminder.

  14. Great shot. I saw LOTS of sea gulls at the lake today. Unusual to see them there.

  15. Your image and quote are a perfect combo!
    I saw on Oprah that quiet time by yourself makes you happier. :)

  16. Oh, Kerri, I love the gold tinges on the water in this one!
    Very little solitude does me, though I do love a half hour of quiet and a cuppa when I get in from work each day!

  17. I couldn't agree more with that quote. And you've chosen a great image to illustrate the sentiment!

  18. Arthur was a smart man! Sooooo important in our far too busy lives.

  19. Fabulous action shot and I love the composition!

  20. I cherish my solitude.
    Sometimes too much.

  21. Having alone time is a great way to recharge!

    Great photo!

  22. Beautiful images - reminds me of home.My blog crosses over between nature and pets so hope you won't mind my commenting!

  23. Beautiful photos, they remind me of home. So peaceful...
    My blog crosses the divide between nature and pets so hope you don't mind my comment!
