
Mary Baldwin College - Staunton Virginia

Mary Baldwin College Historical Marker
Downtown Staunton, Virginia

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Wikipedia tells me:
"Mary Baldwin University (MBU, formerly Mary Baldwin College) is a private liberal arts university[2][3][4] in Staunton, Virginia. It was founded in 1842 by Rufus William Bailey as Augusta Female Seminary.[5] Today, Mary Baldwin University is home to the Mary Baldwin College for Women, a residential women's college with a focus on liberal arts and leadership,[6] as well as co-educational residential undergraduate programs within its University College[7] structure. MBU also offers co-educational graduate degrees as well as undergraduate degree and certificate programs for non-traditional-aged students. The university is the oldest institution of higher education for women in the nation affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA),[8][9] and it is home to the only all-female corps of cadets in the world.[10][11]"