
Dew Drops on Grass

I've always been quite taken in by the beauty of a water droplet.
I LOVE how they line up in little rows across the blade of grass.

A closer crop of the shot above. Do you see the reflection of
another blade of grass with water drops INSIDE the droplet?

Nature Amazes Daily!


Wanda..... said...

I saw it very clearly Kerri, even showed my husband. Very nice photo!

Hilary said...

Such incredible detail.. beautiful!

Unknown said...

Fantastic! I love how the droplets act as mirrors! I see the awesome reflection!

In the Light of the Moon said...

Kerri,It's just beautiful.It reminds me of what my mother always used to tell me.."Each person is a universe of feelings and emotions" In the lovely drop...I see so much life and love,eager to bust open. Warm Regards,Cat

Tom said...

I love these Kerri... they put a well needed smile on my face... as did your visit and comment on my blog today.
I'm feeling better and healthier but will still be resting on the run up to Christmas.
Great news below about your daughter... I'm so pleased for you all.

Erica Houskeeper said...

Beautiful photos. Looking at these images reminds me to slow down and take in all that's happening around us in nature.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

What an amazing shot...I love it!!!

Mimi said...

It lovely, the second one looks like a glass bauble on the leaf, which is quite seasonal, isn't it?

Dick said...

Wow, very clear shot.

Scriptor Senex said...

I just love your photos! This makes blogging so worthwhile.

Marvin said...

Great capture of the droplets ... like little diamonds ... and the reflection is awesome.

Marvin @ Nature in the Ozarks

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

GORGEOUS!!! Love those macro shots.


happyone said...

That grass reflection in the water drop is amazing!!

Anonymous said...

Kerri, you're an amazing photographer. The water drops and the reflections are wonderful - an entire world of their own.

Yoghurt Lady said...

Your photos are amazing !!

Maia T said...

Wonderful macro, the reflection in the droplet is amazing.
Congratulations to your daughter for this great achievement.

Jan said...

Kerri, you've outdone yourself; the bottom shot is terrific!

EG CameraGirl said...

Beautiful shot, Kerri!

Anonymous said...

Very nice. These would be perfect for Weekend Reflections.

Unknown said...

Wow - these are beautiful! I love water droplets too. Great perspective and framing on these shots.

Jay said...

That second shot is beautiful. I love how there is a whole tiny world in there!

Country Girl said...

Oh, Kerri. This is fantastic.

Amazing seeing that reflection!

Dave Ingram said...

Nice sense of impending motion in that drop balanced precariously on the end of the blade of grass.


Alice said...

Very beautiful, I love the reflection.

Mary said...

Wow...I love how you can see the grass captured in it! I noticed it immediately...great shot!

Holly said...

Stunning! I love your water droplet shots and then to top it all off, you captured water droplets within a water droplet in this shot! Your photos are so amazing!

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