
Autumn in Radford Virginia

Days are stringed instruments and every one strikes a different note. 
~ Kenneth Alfred Evelyn Alexander

Print Available - HERE 


Crisp Autumn Leaves

Every leaf speaks bliss to me, 
Fluttering from the autumn tree. 
~ Emily Bronte

Print Available - HERE 


Bath Time For Birdie

Song Sparrow

Every season hath its pleasures: 
Spring may boast her flowery prime, 
Yet the vineyard's ruby treasures 
Brighten Autumn's soberer time. 
So life's year begins and closes; 
Days, though shortening, still can shine; 
What, though youth gave loves and roses, 
Age still leaves us friends and wine.
 ~Thomas Moore

Print Available - HERE 


Inside The Burning Bush

White-throated Sparrow in the "Burning Bush"

"In the garden of my life 
I'm done with anger, done with strife. 
 I cultivate my own few joys
 far from this culture's buzzing noise. 

 Colonnade and marketplace, 
fame's small change and money's race, 
academe's cold haughty tower -- 
have no meaning, hold no power. 

 Letting go of shoulds and oughts, 
I concentrate on greener thoughts 
and find as I fulfill my soul 
that things spin calmly in control, 

that though events conspire still, 
they tend to bend towards my will. 
No greater cause achieves the measure 
than that of my own reasoned pleasure." 
- Peter Saint-Andre, In the Garden


Autumn Robin

The bright summer had passed away, and gorgeous autumn was flinging its rainbow-tints of beauty on hill and dale. 
~ Cornelia L. Tuthill

Print for this one (above)  available - HERE 

(Digital Painting version)

Mark how the forest now hath doffed its green, 
And Nature dons her cloak of many hues; 
Now reigns the holy beauty of Decay! 
How calmly sleeps the lake: the coloured woods 
Reflected on its face in thousand tints... 
Like rainbows wreck'd, all the gay woods do sing..
~ James Rigg

Print Available (digital painting version)  - HERE 


Autumn Morning at Claytor Lake State Park

"In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration." 
Ansel Adams

Print Available - HERE 


Mourning Dove

“I hold it true that thoughts are things 
Endowed with bodies, breath, and wings, 
And that we send them forth to fill 
The world with good results - or ill. 

 That which we call our secret thought 
Speeds to the earth's remotest spot, 
And leaves its blessings or its woes 
Like tracks behind it as it goes. 

 It is God's law. Remember it 
In your still chamber as you sit 
With thoughts you would not dare have known, 
And yet made comrades when alone. 

 These thoughts have life; and they will fly 
And leave their impress by-and-by, 
Like some marsh breeze, whose poisoned breath 
Breathes into homes its fevered breath. 

 And after you have quite forgot 
Or all outgrown some vanished thought, 
Back to your mind to make its home, 
A dove or raven, it will come. 

 Then let your secret thoughts be fair; 
They have a vital part and share 
In shaping worlds and moulding fate -- 
God's system is so intricate.” 
 ― Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Print Available - HERE 

Sit and Watch The Leaves Turn

Everyone must take time 
to sit and watch the leaves turn. 
- Elizabeth Lawrence

Autumn at Pandapas Pond in Blacksburg, Virginia

Print Available - HERE 


Robin Watching

“The lure of the distant and the difficult 
is deceptive. 
The great opportunity is where you are.” 
 ― John Burroughs


Burning Brightly

Autumn burned brightly, a running flame through the mountains, 
a torch flung to the trees. 
~ Faith Baldwin



Puddle Wonderful

"The world is mud-luscious and 
 - e. e. cummings

This Art Available - HERE 


The Measure of Leaves

"Leaves drift softly earthward toward the grass
 Spring and summer blend from green to gold ...
Corby Magnuson, The Measure of Leaves

Print Available - HERE 


Foggy Morning Along The Road

There are no shortcuts 
to any place worth going. 
~ Beverly Sills

Print Available - HERE 

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