
My Sweet Mama

Life began with waking up and loving my mother's face. 
~George Eliot

My sweet Mama. Not only is she beautiful on the outside - but most importantly - she is beautiful on the inside. 
(08-06-11 with my Iphone)


Tanya Breese said...

she looks like a very sweet lady :)

Hilary said...

I just took a look at that beautiful jay in the previous post and thought how that image would be tough to top.. but you just did. Your mother is stunning and has a very kind face.

TexWisGirl said...

she is warm and lovely!

Debbie said...

your best picture so far!!!

Becky said...

I bet your Mom is a wonderful caring person. She has that kind face of someone who could really be a forever friend.

grammie g said...

HI Kerri..a gentle face and a kind smile..enjoy all you can...time fleets by !!

the wild magnolia said...

I love your insect and bird shots, and nature too!

I must say though, my favorites are the family photos, your Mama is beautiful

PoetessWug said...

Awwww! She's beautiful!...I think this capture might be your most priceless shot ever!! :-]

Reena said...

What a sweet quote and a wonderful picture of your mother!

Ellie said...

Your mum looks lovely!!

Jo-Ann said...

How lovely!

DeniseinVA said...

Your Mama is beautiful and her eyes show her inner beauty too.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The smile and those eyes,show the beauty that comes from the heart.

Julie G. said...

Your mom radiates warmth and sweetness. She's smiling with her eyes ... that says a lot about the way she feels about you. Absolutely lovely!

Donna said...

She's beautiful :-)

eileeninmd said...

Lovely shot of your pretty Momma!

Unknown said...

How wonderful Kerri!I realize you have posted pictures of your beautiful family..but I have never seen one of you!

Dawn Fine said...

Beautiful Momma!

Robin's Nesting Place said...

How nice to see your mom. She is a lovely lady!

Mrs Catch said...

What a lovely smile your Mum has. Nice photo.

Andy said...

She has happy eyes.

Catherine said...

There is nothing in life sweeter than a sweet mama! And she looks like a good one!!! :)
xo Catherine

Carletta said...

She is indeed beautiful Kerry!

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