

Dear Friends,
I got the most AMAZING news on Friday!
My daughter was accepted into Radford University.
She will begin her freshman year of college in August.
Not only did she get accepted...but she also got invited into the
Honors Academy...AND
she received an academic scholarship.
I can't tell you how proud I am of her :)
She is a smart and beautiful young lady.
But best of all - she is a kind young lady.
One of the kindest I know.


June said...

Let me be the first to congratulate you both! Wonderful news!! Is she still interested in pursuing photography?

A New England Life said...

Kerri, that is amazing news! Congratulations to your daughter! I'm sure she has worked very, very hard to accomplish all she has.

Fabulous news, absolutely fabulous!!!


Loran said...

Oh, she's beautiful AND smart! My best friend from high school went to Radford. Small world.

Anonymous said...

This is good news!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Congratulations.This beautiful young woman will go far.I wish for her the Blessings of God beyond measure.

CG said...

Wow, what AMAZING news! Congratulations!

Mimi said...

Congratulations, how wonderful! She's beautiful, and you must be very proud of her, you've done a great job there.

Country Girl said...

This is the best news I've had all week. All month, and I don't even 'know' you! Congratulations to you, your daughter, and your family. Well done.

Jo-Ann said...

Congratulations! My niece is a graduate of Radford U.

Robin's Nesting Place said...

Congratulations! My daughter is a beautiful red-head too!

Wanda..... said...

Congratulations to your beautiful intelligent daughter Kerri.

In the Light of the Moon said...

Congrats to you and your beautiful daughter.Warm Regards,Cat

Jan said...

Woo hoo. That is very exciting. Congratulations to her, and your family.

Cherry said...

wow! congratulations! job well done, i must agree your daughter is such a fine young lady. :)

Hilary said...

How fantastic is that! Congrats to your daughter. How incredibly proud you must be. :)

Jayne said...

Wow Kerri! That's so terrific! Congratulations!!
BTW, love your new stretch template look!

Mary said...

Congratulations! That is so wonderful! Best of luck to your beautiful daughter in the years ahead. :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations to her! And to you! How exciting!

Gayle said...

Wonderful news. Congrats.

happyone said...

Congratulations to your daughter!!!
She is beautiful and her eyes show her kindness.

EG CameraGirl said...

Congratulations, Kerri. She is indeed a very pretty young woman. To think she has brains and is kind too! Wow!

Adrienne Zwart said...

Fantastic shots, and wonderful news. Congratulations to her!

Aditya Shevade said...

Great News. Congratulations.

Tussy said...

You got great kid :)

You Got A Posty
All Little Things I Like

Holly said...

Congratulations to your daughter! How exciting!

joco said...

Hiya Kerri,
How did she like her first year there?
What a lovely daughter, and such gorgeous hair.

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