
Brother and Sister

Just back from a week in Georgia. Our son had his Turning Blue Ceremony and his OSUT Graduation. He goes on to Airborne training from here. I am VERY Proud of him!

Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet. ~Vietnamese Proverb


Jayne said...

What a wonderful photo Kerri! I know you are so proud!

Della said...

I bet you are bursting at the seams with pride! Congrats to your son! You have beautiful kids Kerri!

forgetmenot said...

And proud you should be! What great looking kids-bet you were glad to have your family together for a few days. The older they get, the harder it seems to get them together at the same time--so treasure the times when that happens. Congrats, proud Mom. Mickie :)

Appalachian Lady said...

Great looking children--they looks so happy to have a great mom.

Reena said...

Great looking kids ... take a bow, mom, job well done!

TexWisGirl said...

gorgeous kids. God bless them!

Debbie said...

i remember these two gorgeous kids!! you should be VERY proud. it's the one awsome thing we do, giving our wonderful children to the world.

all the rest of what we do will likely go unnoticed!!!!

Gail Dixon said...

Congratulations! You should be very proud. Such a nice looking family you have. :)

Anonymous said...

Being the mom of a (little) brother and (big) sister, the proverb makes perfect sense.

Congratulations to you you and your brother! What an accomplishment!. Hope he does super in his next adventure.

Happy Tuesday! : )

eileeninmd said...

Kerri, what a wonderful portrait photo. You must be very proud.

Julie G. said...

Wonderful photo, Kerri! The eyes say it all! My, what beautiful kids you have raised. I'm sure you are so very proud.

Chris said...

Congrats to your son... And both of your children are adorable, beautiful... You must be proud of them!!

Randy Emmitt said...


Must be that time of year! Congratulations to him! On Thursday Meg's son graduates also, Army Special Forces at Fort Bragg.

Country Girl said...

Fabulous, Kerri!

i beati said...

marvelous post feeling your pride sandy

Anonymous said...

Great looking kids, or shall I say young adults? He'll go far in this world and I'd be proud too!


Catherine said...

So sweet! Lovely photo of your children Kerri!
xo Catherine

Mimi said...

Rightly proud!
Beautiful photo of siblings.
Well done to you for raising two beautiful people.

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