Dear Friends,
My mother has been in the hospital since March 23rd. Originally in her local hospital, then ICU, and eventually transferred to UVA Medical Center in Charlottesville.
She’s had so much going on:
Blood Pressure dropping VERY low
Liver enzymes 30 x the norm.
White Blood Count and Platelets VERY low
At one point she did not know us (her children and husband)
She is being feed through an NG tube down her nose/throat.
Still the doctors cannot tell us why this happened.
My sisters, my brother, and myself have been taking turns staying with her in Charlottesville.
I go to visit her again tomorrow and will stay through Sunday.
For those of you who read my blog, you know how very close I am to my Mom.
She means the world to me!
As of yesterday, we have seen some improvement. All of her blood counts, liver enzymes, etc are very close to the normal range now.
She is speaking a few words and when asked her name, she knew it!!
I think we have a long road ahead of us…..but I am so THANKFUL to still have her and am more than willing to travel this long road with her and my siblings and my Dad.
All through this ordeal I have heard God’s voice…and He continues to tell me to put my trust in HIM. He will heal her, whether it is on this earth or in Heaven.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
I miss you all and hope to be back in a few weeks.