
Pretty Lady Posing - Female Cardinal

"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world." 
~ Jack Layton

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August Leaf 2

"It is the familiar that usually eludes us in life. What is before our nose is what we see last." 
- William Barrett

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Autumn Along The Greenbrier River

"Every season hath its pleasures; 
 Spring may boast her flowery prime, 
 Yet the vineyard's ruby treasures 
 Brighten Autumn's soberer time." 
 - Thomas Moore

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August Leaf 1

"Time does not change us. 
 It just unfolds us." 
- Max Frisch

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Autumn Trees in the Fog

"We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams." 
- Jeremy Irons

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Autumn Trees In the Fog - Panorama

 “I sit beside the fire and think 
 Of all that I have seen 
Of meadow flowers and butterflies 
In summers that have been 
Of yellow leaves and gossamer 
In autumns that there were  
With morning mist and silver sun 
And wind upon my hair.” 
— J.R.R. Tolkien

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Hummingbird Flashes His Tail Feathers

"Don't you know how 
sweet and wonderful life can be?" 
~ Marvin Gaye  

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  I'm pretty sure there was another hummingbird around and this little one did not want to share the flower. All part of the "sweet and wonderful" of life.


Boardwalk Along the Huckleberry Trail - Blacksburg Virginia

“Wherever we go in the mountains, 
or indeed in any of God's wild fields, 
we find more than we seek.” 
 ― John Muir 

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A Magical Place along the Huckleberry Trail
in Blacksburg, Virginia.
Jim had actually discovered it on one of his bike rides and told me about it. It is near one of my walking trails, but on the other side of the road. It is part of the new portion of the Huckleberry Trail that links the trail to Glade Road and crosses a wetland area.
Many more visits are in my future!


Lady in the Lantana - Painted Lady Butterfly

"Wander a whole summer if you can...
time will not be taken 
from the sum of your life. 
Instead of shortening, 
it will definitely lengthen it....." 
 ― John Muir

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The Delicate Wings of a Hummingbird

"Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving." 
 - Kahlil Gibran

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Flicker In the Forest - Northern Flicker

Male Northern Flicker - Claytor Lake State Park

“...the woods, when they give at all, give unstintedly, and hold nothing back from their true worshippers. We must go to them lovingly, humbly, patiently, watchfully, and we shall learn what poignant loveliness lurks in the wild places and silent intervales, lying under starshine and sunset, what cadences of unearthly music are harped on aged pine boughs or crooned in copses of fir, what delicate savours exhale from mosses and ferns in sunny corners or on damp brooklands, what dreams and myths and legends of an older time haunt them. Then the immortal heart of the woods will beat against ours and its subtle life will steal into our veins and make us its own forever, so that no matter where we go or how widely we wander we shall yet be drawn back to the forest to find our most enduring kinship.” 
 ― L.M. Montgomery, The Blue Castle

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Butterfly at the Fence

"Follow your bliss. If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living." 
 - Joseph Campbell

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Four Butterflies

 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail with two Fritillary butterflies 
and a Pearl Crescent in the background.

"Let my heart be still a moment 
and this mystery explore..." 
— Edgar Allan Poe  

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Hummingbird in Flight - Tiny Feet and Wonderful Wings

“There are no two hours alike. 
Every hour is unique 
and the only one given at the moment, 
exclusive and endlessly precious." 
 ― Abraham Joshua Heschel

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Magical Moment with a Monarch Butterfly

“Often in life those seemingly ordinary moments hold the most extraordinary meaning.” 
 ― Ken Poirot

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Great Blue Heron at Claytor Lake State Park

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"Learn to be quiet enough to hear the genuine within yourself 
so that you can hear it in others." 
- Marian Wright Edelman


Male Cardinal

"The essence of life is not in the great victories and grand failures, but in the simple joys." 
~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie

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Gorilla at the North Carolina Zoo

Seen during a visit to the North Carolina Zoo 
in Asheboro, North Carolina.

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Giraffe - Zoo Art

This Art created from my original photograph.

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The Smiling Baboon - Zoo Art

 You are never too old to set another goal 
or to dream a new dream. 
- C.S. Lewis

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Zoo Art - Elephant

 This art created from my original photograph of an elephant at the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro, North Carolina. 

 Print Available - HERE


Bridge Through The Trees At Hungry Mother State Park

"There is something in the nature of silence which affects me deeply. Why it is I know not; but I do know that I love to be alone 
at such an hour as this.  
~ Charles Lanman

Print Available - HERE 


An Autumn Road

“And the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep and autumn was awakened.” 
Raquel Franco

Print Available - HERE 


Claytor Lake Before Sunrise

“I'd rather have a rock in my pocket 
than a label on my shoe.” 
 ― Ross Caligiuri

Claytor Lake State Park
Dublin, Virginia

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