
A Bird Story

As many of you know, my passion for photography started
back in June of 2007.
With this passion also came a passion for Nature which
I had never had before. Especially a passion for Birds!
At the beginning of this 2008 my hopes were to see
an Indigo Bunting. My children had given me
a beautiful calendar with birds on it for
Christmas and I saw an Indigo Bunting...and I wanted to see one
FOR REAL. wish came true that Spring.

I believe this is a juvenile or molting Indigo Bunting.
From what I have read, they do not get there completely Blue
feathers until they are in their 3rd year.

Possibly an Adult (or close to adult) Male.
I cannot tell you the joy I felt at seeing these birds.

 Indigo Bunting
A Beautiful Blue Treasure
My heart Sings


Living The Simple Life

To find the universal elements enough;
to find the air and the water exhilarating;
to be refreshed by a morning walk 
or an evening saunter;
to be thrilled by the stars at night;
to be elated over a bird's nest 
or a wildflower in spring -
these are some of the rewards of the simple life. 
 ~ John Burroughs


Flower Power

God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone,
but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars. 
~Martin Luther


Eloquence in Silence

In Silence there is eloquence. Stop weaving and see how the pattern improves.
― Rumi

Tune In To Nature

I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station,
through which God speaks to us every hour,
if we will only tune in.
~George Washington Carver


Rise Above

Sometimes, that last leap to the top is the hardest. 

Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine.
~ Mario Fernández


Wildflowers and Berries and Wings

Do you see the two bees in this shot?
Butterflies and Bees LOVE the Milkweed

Silver Spotted Skipper

A Butterfly convention....there are at least three here on
this plant. 

Berries... (are these raspberries/blackberries?)
Do you see what is lurking on the right hand side?

Mr. Long Legs!

Another Butterfly on the Milkweed

Blue Chicory Wildflower - One of my favorites!

The seeker embarks on a journey to find what he wants and discovers, along the way, what he needs.
~ Wally Lamb


A Visit to Deerfield Trail

One of my favorite trails for birds and creatures.
This trail had a nice mix of open spaces and shady spaces.
This is leading toward the trees and some shade

A pond is visible soon after you arrive on the trail....

And where there is water there are these little critters
zooming around :)

Bluebird boxes are abundant along the trail

And a nice bench located near a creek.
A wonderful spot to rest and take in the view...
The really happy person is the one who can enjoy the scenery, even when they have to take a detour.
 ― Sir James Jeans


Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

You live longer once you realize that any time spent being unhappy is wasted. 
~Ruth E. Renkl


Deerfield Trail

Aptly named Deerfield trail....this little Fawn
jumped out in front of me while I was walking alongI have to admit to being a little nervous because I wondered if
Mom would jump out too!

It is a paved trail that is absolutely Gorgeous! 
We lived here 8 years before finding this trail

One of my favorite places to walk, Winter, Summer Spring or Fall!

Hummingbird and a River Reflection

Hummingbird at the Feeder
I could sit and watch them for hours, flitting around my deck
and backyard.

The New River at Bisset Park.

Rest and be thankful.
~ William Wordsworth


Watching the Sky

Clouds over the trees

Sunset outside my front door 

Color Is Joy

Color is joy. One does not think joy. One is carried by it. 
~ Ernst Haas


Dragons and a Damsel

The top three are dragonflies - this last one is an Ebony Jewelwing damselfly.
I LOVE seeing these amazing flying creatures!


Heritage Park

We lived here about 5 years before I discovered this wonderful park just minutes away from where I live.  These are shots from that first visit.  As you walk down one side of the the trail there is a pond to the right.
Immediately upon arriving, I saw a Green Heron take flight.
Unfortunately, I wasn't my shots didn't turn out.
But I liked this one of the cattails growing on the edge of the pond.
There were buildings that were overgrown. I think they
left them overgrown on purpose - These are "ruins" of the "Old Brown Farm"

There is a shed behind all of this greenery.

And as we walked out, we passed the pond again and
this guy decided to make an appearance.
My pics really don't do him justice...he is BIG!
This park has about 170 acres so we didn't even hit the tip of it on our first visit. I have been back many times and it is one of my FAVORITE places!
farm art



Happy Father's Day

This is one of the best shots I have of my Mom and
I am re-posting if for Father's Day.
This was their 60th wedding anniversary back in September of last year.
Don't they make a lovely couple??

My Dad has been a wonderful Dad!
He is honest, trustworthy, loyal and he tells it like it is, whether you
want to hear it or not.....but I wouldn't trade
that trait for any. He has been a ROCK for my Mom as
she has been having some memory issues...and he's still
going strong at 85 (actually he'll be 85 in a few weeks)
Above all...he ALWAYS made me feel Loved!
I love you Dad!!


An Amazing Find

Hubby spotted this Great Blue Heron as we
drove by the pond at the Izaak Walton Park.

He was spooked before I could get very close...

Wow, what a wing span!
I have never seen one of these in the wild before.
I apologize for the quality of the shots....I really need a longer lens.
For more info on the Great Blue Heron



Tension is who you think you should be. 
 Relaxation is who you are. 
~ Chinese Proverb 

Being Happy

Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.
~ Sri Chinmoy


A Pond and It's Treasure

(click on the pic to get the extra large view)

This is Hethwood Pond. A nice little pond
within a 7 minute drive of where I live.
On this day it was a HOT 96 degrees, so there
weren't many people out walking the path around
the pond. If you look closely you can see some
lovely benches around the pond, too.

This was one of the treasures I found --  a BIG Turtle!

One of my favorite Turtle Images - HERE 

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