
I Must Have Flowers Always and Always

"I must have flowers, always and always." 
- Claude Monet

Water Lily at the Hahn Garden Pond

Print Available - HERE 


This Bud's For You

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.” 
– Buddha 

Hibiscus bud before the petals have unfurled.


Hummingbird Moth Flies To the Verbena

“If we counted our blessings instead of our money, 
we would all be rich.” 
- Linda Poindexter

Print Available - HERE 


Like a Dreamsicle

“Happiness held is the seed; 
Happiness shared is the flower.” 
– John Harrigan

From my walk at the Hahn Garden 07-25-20 


Summer Scenery - Coneflowers

“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; 
to me those have always been 
the two most beautiful words
 in the English language.” 
― Henry James

Print Available - HERE


Catbird with a berry

"Summertime is always the best 
of what might be." 
 ~ Charles Bowden

More of my Catbirds - HERE 


Let's BEE Friends

“Kindness always leaves a timeless deposit 
on the heart.” 
― Molly Friedenfeld

Print Available - HERE 


Teasel in Bloom Against the Sky

"Appreciate every little beautiful moment in every day of your life. Give it a try and you'll see the world from another perspective." 
― Thea Kristine May

Print Available - HERE 

Four For Brunch - Cedar Waxwings

“Don't seek to be happy; let everyone else chase after that rainbow. Seek to be kind, and you'll find the rainbow follows you.” 
― Richelle E. Goodrich

Print Available - HERE 


Abstract Art - Sunset Over the Mountains

“A sunset is the sun’s fiery kiss to the night.” 
― Crystal Woods  

I created this art from a photograph of a sunset 
that I captured at Pipestem State Park 
in Pipestem, West Virginia.

Print Available - HERE 



Black Swallowtail Butterfly on Clover

"Every day you are alive is a special occasion. 
Every minute, every breath, is a gift from God." 
 ~ Mary Manin Morrissey

Print Available - HERE 


Blue On the Wings

“The most beautiful moments in life 
are moments when you are expressing your joy, 
not when you are seeking it.” 
― Jaggi Vasudev

Print Available - HERE 


Painted Turtle on the Climb

“Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.” 
― Guillaume Apollinaire

Print Available - HERE 


Keep Pushing Through

“Our most significant opportunities will be found in times of greatest difficulty.” 
― Thomas S. Monson


Cedar Waxwing in the Serviceberry

"...the thankful heart... will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings." 
 ~ Henry Ward Beecher

Print Available - HERE 

More of my Cedar Waxwings - HERE 


God Bless America

"God bless America, land that I love 
Stand beside her and guide her 
Through the night with the light from above 
From the mountains to the prairies 
To the oceans white with foam 
God bless America, my home sweet home" 
- Irving Berlin


Firecracker in the Garden - Lily

Now this is my kind of firecracker. 
 Lovely to look at but not as noisy!

Print Available - HERE 


Male Goldfinch in the Verbena

"The goldfinch has many pretty ways. 
 He is one of our most amiable birds." 
 - John Burroughs

Print Available - HERE 

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