
Brown Thrasher - Birds of Virginia

Print Available - HERE 

"Today is the day when bold kites fly, 
When cumulus clouds roar across the sky. 
When robins return, 
when children cheer, 
When light rain beckons spring to appear. 

 Today is the day when daffodils bloom, 
Which children pick to fill the room, 
Today is the day when grasses green, 
When leaves burst forth for spring to be seen." 
- Robert McCracken, Spring



Bare Branches 2 - A Pen and Ink Drawing

My original pen and ink drawing.
Drawn using one of my 
photographs as a reference

Print Available - HERE 

Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth. They do not preach learning and precepts, they preach, undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life. 
-  Hermann Hesse


Through The Forest - Hungry Mother State Park

Print Available - HERE 

“When you come upon a path that brings benefit and happiness to all,  follow this course 
 as the moon journeys through the stars.” 
 ― Gautama Buddha

Sunrise and Psalm

Prints, Greeting Cards and More are Available 


Virginia Bluebells - The Beginning of Spring

Print Available - HERE 

"The spring is fresh and fearless 
 And every leaf is new, 
 The world is brimmed with moonlight, 
 The lilac brimmed with dew. 

 Here in the moving shadows 
 I catch my breath and sing -- 
 My heart is fresh and fearless 
 And over-brimmed with spring." 
 - Sara Teasdale 


Male Pileated Woodpecker

Print Available - HERE 

Trust in what you love, continue to do it, and it will take you where you need to go. 
~ Natalie Goldberg


Eastern Bluebird Watercolor Art

Print Available - HERE 

As long as there are bluebirds, there will be miracles and a way to find happiness. 
 - Shirl Brunnel


Dragonfly In the Berries

Print Available - HERE 

"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." 
 ~ Roald Dahl


Iris with Droplets

"What a pity flowers can utter no sound!—A singing rose, a whispering violet, a murmuring honeysuckle ... oh, what a rare and exquisite miracle would these be!" 
- Henry Ward Beecher

See on my walk through our local Horticulture Garden 03-02-19

Print Available - HERE 

Hellebore - A Spring Flower

“A garden to walk in and immensity 
to dream in--what more could he ask? 
A few flowers at his feet and 
above him the stars.” 
 ― Victor Hugo

A Hellebore with droplets - blooming on March 2, 2019.

Print Available - HERE 


Eurasian Collared Dove

I've come to realize that where harmony is concerned, 
more can be achieved with less color. 
Scott L. Christensen

I don't see these Eurasian Collared Doves very often.  They are MUCH larger than
a Mourning Dove and have quite a different sound as well.

Print Available - HERE 


Mourning Dove Gathering Twigs

Print Available - HERE 

"Gentle Spring's around the corner, 
 Waiting just to show her face 
 And to bring us flowers and sunshine; 
 Winter's almost run his race! 

 Be not, then, my friends, discouraged 
 That there's cold and ice and sleet; 
 For Springtime soon will be with us,
 And the flowers we will greet:

 Daffodils, so bright and yellow, 
 Hyacinths of varied hues, 
 As they nod their heads, in gladness, 
 Telling us they bring good news..." 
 ~ Gertrude Tooley Buckingham

Male Cardinal In Flight

Print Available - HERE 

"Enthusiasm moves the world." 
 - Arthur James Balfour

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