
Knothole Heart

“Still round the corner there may wait, 
A new road or a secret gate.” 
― J. R. R. Tolkien

Sometimes I find some really cool things during my walks.
The knothole on this tree and the spot left by a broken-off branch,
resulted in this heart shape.
Do you see it?

Print Available - HERE 

Beneath the Dogwood Bloom

"Never yet was a springtime, 
 when the buds forgot to bloom." 
 —Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

Print Available - HERE 


Tufted Titmouse Sings for Spring

“Any breath brought forth and spun into full-throated song had 
undeniable magic in the making.” 
― J. Tullos Hennig

Print Available - HERE 


Morning At Mabry Mill Along the Blue Ridge Parkway

"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life." 
- Mark Twain

Print Available - HERE 

Common Buckeye Butterfly - Wings in the Wildflowers

“Not all gifts are wrapped in a box. 
Some gifts are just being present. 
Being there when it matters.”
 ― Todd Crawshaw

Print Available - HERE 


Portrait of a Painted Lady Butterfly

"Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities -- always see them, for they're always there." 
— Norman Vincent Peale

Print Available - HERE 



Summer Web

"Wander a whole summer if you can... time will not be taken from the sum of your life. Instead of shortening, it will definitely lengthen it....." 
 ― John Muir

Print Available - HERE 

Male Goldfinch in the Wildflowers of Summer

“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in you. 
Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.”
 ― Rabindranath Tagore

Print Available - HERE 


Heart Art

Love recognizes no barriers. 
It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. 
― Maya Angelou

My original art - an Ink drawing with mixed media.

Print Available - HERE 

Sunset Silhouette in Blacksburg Virginia

“Every sunset is an opportunity to reset.” 
― Richie Norton

Print Available - HERE 

Buffalo Mountain in Floyd County Virginia

“The mountains are calling and I must go.” 
– John Muir

Print Available - HERE 


Female Cardinal - Fun In the Snow

"All the statistics in the world can't measure the warmth of a smile." 
― Chris Hart

Print Available - HERE 

Winter Tree 6 - Claytor Lake State Park

“The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity... and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, 
nature is imagination itself.” 
― William Blake

Print Available - HERE 


Monarch Butterfly Art - Missing Pieces

Wherever we are, it is but a stage on the way to somewhere else, and whatever we do, however well we do it, it is only a preparation to do something else that shall be different. 
 ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Print Available - HERE 


Spicebush Swallowtail on Bee Balm

"Beautiful and graceful, varied and enchanting, small but approachable, 
butterflies lead you to the sunny side of life. 
And everyone deserves a little sunshine." 
~ Jeffrey Glassberg  

Print Available - HERE 

Male Red-bellied Woodpecker

"Peace and happiness are always here, 
but they often go unnoticed.” 
― Gina Lake

Print Available - HERE 


Spring Attractions - Serviceberry in Bloom

"Winter is on my head, 
but eternal spring is in my heart." 
- Victor Hugo

Thanks to my Facebook Friends I have identified this
white bloom as Serviceberry.  
They usually bloom in my
area in April.

Print Available - HERE 



Life Bursts With Miracles

“Around us, life bursts with miracles--a glass of water, a ray of sunshine, a leaf, a caterpillar, a flower, laughter, raindrops. If you live in awareness, it is easy to see miracles everywhere. Each human being is a multiplicity of miracles. Eyes that see thousands of colors, shapes, and forms; ears that hear a bee flying or a thunderclap; a brain that ponders a speck of dust as easily as the entire cosmos; a heart that beats in rhythm with the heartbeat of all beings. When we are tired and feel discouraged by life's daily struggles, we may not notice these miracles, but they are always there.” 
― Thích Nhất Hạnh

Print Available - HERE 

White-crowned Sparrow Snow Day

“Always choose the adventure ... unless, it's chilly outside and there's a cup of warm coffee resting near a book and comfy sofa.” 
― Barbara Brooke

Print Available - HERE 

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