
Neuse River Trail - Raleigh North Carolina


"In every walk with nature 
one receives far more than he seeks." 
- John Muir

 The Neuse River Trail - Raleigh, North Carolina

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A Perfect Spring Day

                                                 "An altered look about the hills; 
A Tyrian light the village fills; 
A wider sunrise in the dawn; 
A deeper twilight on the lawn; 
A print of a vermilion foot; 
A purple finger on the slope; 
A flippant fly upon the pane; 
A spider at his trade again; A
n added strut in chanticleer; 
A flower expected everywhere ..." 
- Emily Dickinson, Nature: April

These tulips were calling to me - at the Hahn Garden in Blacksburg, VA

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Ruby-crowned Kinglet - Forest Visitor

 “There is an undeniable exhilaration in moment of even the smallest discovery.” 
 ― Graham Moore

From my walk along the Huckleberry Trail on 04-17-2021

Print Available - HERE 

Male Cardinal - Spring Portrait

"Spring makes the world a happy place 
You see a smile on every face. 
Flowers come out and birds arrive, 
Oh, isn’t it grand to be alive?" 
- Author Unknown

Print Available - HERE 


Perfectly Pink Petals

 “Kind people are the best kind of people.” 

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