
Hydrangea Beauty

“The quieter you become, 
the more you are able to hear.” 
― Rumi

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Summer at Pandapas Pond

“Finding your purpose is a lifelong adventure. 
Enjoy the journey.” 
― Todd Stocker

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Beach Walk at Sunrise - Ocean Isle Beach North Carolina

“The secret to a good morning is to watch the sunrise with an open heart.” 
 ― Anthony T. Hincks

Print Available - HERE 

Kiss the Joy As It Flies

"It's the little things that make up the richest part of the tapestry of our lives." 
 ~ Robert Ward

Print Available - HERE


Waving Hello

“Let us always meet each other with smile, 
for the smile is the beginning of love.” 
― Mother Teresa

Print Available - HERE 

Catbird in the Serviceberry

“Happiness is not limited. 
There’s enough for everyone.” 
― Susane Colasanti

Print Available - HERE 


Luscious Berries - Serviceberry

 “For a time, I rest in the grace of the world, 
and am free.” 
Wendell Berry

Print Available - HERE 


Rain Drops on the Sweet Pea

“Outside the open window 
 The morning air is all awash with angels.” 
 ― Richard Wilbur

From my walk along the Huckleberry Trail and 
Coal Mining Heritage Park
and Loop Trail  

Leaves of Grass

“And as to me, 
I know nothing else but miracles” 
― Walt Whitman

Print Available - HERE 


Jewels of the Garden - Hummingbird in Flight

“Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. 
Help someone's soul heal. 
Walk out of your house like a shepherd.” 
― Rumi

Print Available - HERE 


Heaven in Wildflower - Pink Flower Macro

"To see a world in a grain of sand  
And a heaven in a wild flower, 
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand 
And eternity in an hour." 
William Blake

Print Available - HERE 


Butterfly Along Deerfield Trail - Blacksburg Virginia

"The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions - the little, soon forgotten charities of a kiss or a smile, a kind look or heartfelt compliment." 
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge


A Walk Along The Trail

What is most important is to find peace 
and to share it with others. 
To have peace, you can begin 
by walking peacefully. 
Everything depends on your steps. 
 ~ Thich Nhat Hanh


Brown Thrasher in the Berries

“Hang in there. 
It is astonishing how short a time 
it can take for very wonderful things 
to happen.” 
― Frances Hodgson Burnett

Print Available - HERE 

Pink and White Hydrangea

"Always take time to smell the flowers, 
and let it fill you with beauty, 
and rediscover that sense of wonder." 
- Louis Schwartzberg

Print Available - HERE 


Queen Anne Against the Sky

Print Available - HERE 
This Art created from my original photograph

"Queen Anne’s lace earned its common name from a legend that tells of Queen Anne of England (1665-1714) pricking her finger and a drop of blood landed on white lace she was sewing."
From The website Edible Wild Food:


Female House Finch

“In difficult times carry something beautiful in your heart.” 
― Blaise Pascal

Print Available - HERE 


Rain drops on Roses

"Raindrops on roses 
and whiskers on kittens..."
Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II

Print Available - HERE 


Hungry Mother State Park - Lake Reflections

Learn more about how this state park got 
it's name - HERE 

Print Available - HERE 

Blue Ridge Parkway Views - Floyd Virginia

"Earth and sky, woods and fields, 
lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, 
are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books." 
 - John Lubbock

Print Available - HERE 


Colorful Violas

"I have always wanted my colours to sing." 
 - Paul Delvaux

Print Available - HERE 



Buds and Blooms - Mountain Laurel

"Where flowers bloom so does hope." 
 ~ Lady Bird Johnson

The Mountain Laurel was just starting to bloom
during our visit to the Blue Ridge Parkway

Print Available - HERE 


Mabry Mill with Rhododendron

"Wherever there is a human being, 
there is an opportunity for kindness." 
 - Seneca

Print Available - HERE 

Image captured during our drive and visit 
along the Blue Ridge Parkway - May 31, 2020

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