
Silvery Checkerspot Butterfly

“There is an undeniable exhilaration in moment of even the smallest discovery” 

― Graham Moore

This was such an exciting find for me. My first Silvery Checkerspot EVER - seen on June 23, 2019 at Heritage Park in Blacksburg, Virginia. Nectaring on the milkweed that is abundant in this area. I try to inspect this milkweed weekly for monarch caterpillars, and to my delight saw this beauty. It was quite thrilling!

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"I question not if thrushes sing, 
If roses load the air; 
Beyond my heart I need not reach 
When all is summer there." 
- John Vance Cheney


Summer Goldfinch in the Wildflowers

“Outside the open window 
The morning air is all awash with angels.” 
 ― Richard Wilbur

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Dangling Droplet

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 "We cross infinity with every step; 
 we meet eternity in every second." 
~ Rabindranath Tagore

A tiny droplet hangs suspended 
 beneath a Queen Anne's Lace Wildflower.


Pretty Pollinator - Bee in the Crown Vetch

"The pedigree of honey does not concern the bee, 
a clover, anytime, 
to him, is aristocracy." 
- Emily Dickinson 

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Baby Catbird in the Bush

“Turn your obstacles into opportunities and your problems into possibilities.” 
 ― Roy T. Bennett

At the beginning of June we had some baby catbirds living in the Rhododendron bush in our front yard. They would sit on our porch railing as the Mom/Dad would come and feed them. I tried and tried to get a good shot of them through the window, but every time I tried to raise the screen, they would dive into the bush and hide. So I decided I would shoot through the screen. I was able to catch this little one through the screened window. Not a great shot but a record of the "babies in the bush".



Pickerel Hyacinth

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"Flowers and plants are silent presences. 
They nourish every sense except the ear." 
 - May Sarton


Purple Petals - Clematis in Bloom

“Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.” 
 ― Laura Ingalls Wilder

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Flowers in the Garden

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 “How right it is to love flowers and the greenery of pines and ivy and hawthorn hedges; they have been with us from the very beginning.” 
 ― Vincent van Gogh


Blue Jay Ballet

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"Wonder takes our breath away, and makes room for new breath. That’s why they call it breathtaking." 
 ― Anne Lamott


Eastern Comma Butterfly

"Life holds so many simple blessings, each day bringing its own individual wonder." 
- John McLeod

Prints, Cards, Mugs and More - 
Available - HERE 

I found this beautiful Comma Butterfly during
my walk along Deerfield Trail in Blacksburg, Virginia,
on June 1st, 2019.


Red-spotted Purple Butterfly on Multiflora Rose

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"A miracle is often the willingness to see the common in an uncommon way." 
~ Noah Benshea

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