


  Great Spangled Fritillary sharing the milkweed

 Male Widow Skimmers sharing a blade of grass.
I'm told they should be fighting with each other, but perhaps there were no females around.
Wishing you a Wonderful Day - Full of Sharing :) 

The Snout Butterfly

Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life and here to make a contribution.
 ― Deepak Chopra 

A first for me  in 2010 was seeing this little guy - A Snout Butterfly. I think they are so unique!  I believe they are the only "snout" butterfly found in North America.
More info on this amazing creature - HERE 
Observing Nature is So Rewarding!  Have you ever seen a Snout Butterfly?


With Wings of Red

~ Silken wings ~
~ a gentle breeze ~
  ~ sunshine and shade ~ 
~ the beauty of summer ~

More of my Dragonfly Images - HERE 



It May Be Only The Beginning

The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning.
 ~ Ivy Baker Priest

More of my Butterfly Images - HERE 


A Variety

This is the same dragonfly from a previous  in-flight shot  At that time I thought it was a Calico pennant. Based on comments from readers I now believe it to be a Halloween pennant. 
 I think dragonfly wings are so unique!

This Male Red-winged Blackbird was very cooperative and perched where I could get a decent shot off. 
 One of the few birds I can ID without a problem :)  


Hanging Out in the Trees

This little guy (a Red-spotted Purple)
was hanging out in the trees along one of my favorite trails. I used to think I could only find butterflies by looking down on the ground near the flowers. That is not the case at all. A LOT of them hang about in the trees. This one was quite high up but thankfully the 300mm lens was able to bring him a bit closer :)  

Print Available - HERE 


Bluebird Couple

We should meet in another life, we should meet in air, me and you. 
 ― Sylvia Plath

Print Available - HERE 


A Day for Dragons

When I took these - the dragonflies seemed to be out and about in full force at the local ponds If you couldn't tell, I am quite enamored with these little creatures! 

Print Available - HERE 

This little guy said " cheeeeeese" 
and smiled when I took his picture :)

Print Available - HERE 


A Drink from a Deptford Pink

  Silver-spotted skipper takes a drink 
from a Deptford Pink wildflower. 

 Where flowers bloom so does hope.
- Lady Bird Johnson



Ladybug Found

During a 4 hour walk one weekend I broke out my Macro lens. Next to my 70-300mm - the Macro is my favorite. A LOT of my macro pics are taken with the 70-300mm.  Most of the dragonfly, damselfly and butterfly pics are with that lens. I just can't get close enough with the 105mm Macro to those creatures without them flying away. However, the ladybugs don't seem to mind if you put a lens right up next to them :)  

More of my Ladybugs - HERE 


Finding My Wings

Just like the butterfly, I too will awaken in my own time.
~Deborah Chaskin

PS - I think this butterfly is some sort of crescent spot but I am not sure.


Great Spangled Fritillary Looking At Me

..... because where we are is always the most important place. 
~ Philip Pullman

A Version of this Print Available - HERE 


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