

This is the bird that started it all!  Seen at Bisset Park in Radford, Virginia - September 2007.
  I didn't know what it was until I did some research found - HERE 
A great website for identifying birds.

This little bird "Sparked" me and I have fallen totally in LOVE with birds - and butterflies - and
bugs.  You could say this bird sparked my love for nature!


Bee From Bisset Park

The keeping of bees 
is like the direction of sunbeams. 
- Henry David Thoreau 

Bee at Bisset Park - Radford, Virginia


Jimson Weed

It has a little white bloom...

And a BIG Ouchie

More info on this plant - HERE 

Experience The Mysterious

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the source of all true art and science. 
~ Albert Einstein

Print Available - HERE 

A Hint of Fall

It has felt very much like fall over the last week. Today it has been much hotter. Some of these shots are from my front yard. Others are from various local spots that were showing a bit of color.


Fence Shadow

This morning I read that those who live in big cities spend 54 to 72 hours per year stuck in traffic. I think that it is actually a lot higher than that. I used to live in a Washington DC suburb and was one of those that would get stuck in traffic. All of that changed in 1996. I have been telecommuting for 11 years now. I do have to travel at various times throughout the year, but most of the time I work from home. And I live in a semi-rural area - so there is very little traffic - except on game days!

During my workday yesterday, I looked into my backyard and the fence was casting a nice shadow. I got my camera and tried to capture it. I realized that there was a "feeling" associated with this picture. There was a beautiful blue sky. It was a nice crisp morning. The "feeling" I had when I took this picture was Thankfulness. I am so thankful that God has provided me with a wonderful job in which I can earn an income, provide for my family, and still be a "stay at home" mom.

There have been many days when I have felt that I have created this life of mine, all on my own. This fence shadow shows me how much I'm NOT in control and I am so thankful that HE is.



Looks like a leaf..........

The more I see, the less I know for sure.
 ― John Lennon 

The Butterfly that Looks Like a Leaf
I think it is a Question Mark Butterfly....see the little markings on the wings?
Image made at the Izaak Walton Park - Christiansburg, Virginia


Blue Jay With a Treat

Pull up a chair. Take a taste. Come join us. 
Life is so endlessly delicious.
~ Ruth Reichl

 Lots More of my Blue Jays - HERE 


Ok, maybe not a monster, but really big! I think this is a snapping turtle but not sure. There was also one right beside this one. You can just see the snout of the 2nd one(if that is what it is called) coming up out of the water on the right. (click on the picture to enlarge).

The Way of Peace

This is the way of peace - overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love. 
~ Peace Pilgrim


60 Years - And Still Going Strong

What an absolutely wonderful weekend! As I mentioned in my last post, my parents celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary yesterday. My brother, sisters, myself and my hubby, along with the 3 grandchildren were there to celebrate with them. We all had such a wonderful time!


Through The Generations

We need to remember across generations that there is as much to learn as there is to teach. 
 — Gloria Steinem 

Grapes passed down through the generations....
First from my Grandfather to my Father and now to my Brother.
I have wonderful childhood memories of eating the grapes straight from the vine.


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