
Pearisburg Virginia Views

All mountain landscapes hold stories: 
the ones we read, the ones we dream, 
and the ones we create. 
George Michael Sinclair Kennedy

 View from Pearisburg, Virginia looking East along Route 460.

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Butterfly and Buttercup

“The ideals which have always shone before me 
and filled me with joy are 
goodness, beauty, and truth.” 
― Albert Einstein

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A Passion for Purple

"Like a beautiful flower that is colorful but has no fragrance, even well spoken words bear no fruit in one who does not put them into practice." 
- Dhammapada, Sayings of the Buddha, Pali Cannon

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Hungry Babies

Baby Robins ready to be fed.

Print Available - HERE 

Sunrise on the Horse Farm

“The secret to a good morning is to watch the sunrise with an open heart.” 
― Anthony T. Hincks

Print Available - HERE 


A Free Spirit

I like to be a free spirit. 
 Some don't like that, 
 but that's the way I am.
 ― Diana Princess of Wales

Print Available - HERE 

Follow Your Dreams

 "Today is the day to follow your dreams." 
― Teresa Collins

Carolina Chickadee takes flight.

Print Available - HERE 


Rain on the Rhododendron

Life is water dancing to the tune of solids. 
 -  Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Print Available - HERE 

Hummingbird in Flight - Art In The Garden

There is no one definitive creative path. 
There are many ways to be creative.... 
- Theresa Bayer

Hummingbird in Flight

Print Available - HERE 

Wildflower Visitor

“You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.” 
– Walter Hagen

Print Available - HERE 


Male Cardinal - Paint Splatter

 Ordinary riches can be stolen; real riches cannot. 
In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.  
- Oscar Wilde

Print Available - HERE 


Tufted Titmouse in Spring Green

The world's favorite season is the spring. 
 All things seem possible in May.
- Edwin Way Teale

Prints and More are available - HERE 


Carolina Chickadee in Spring Green

"The spring is fresh and fearless 
And every leaf is new, 
The world is brimmed with moonlight, 
The lilac brimmed with dew. 

 Here in the moving shadows 
I catch my breath and sing -- 
My heart is fresh and fearless 
And over-brimmed with spring."

 - Sara Teasdale

This Print Available - HERE


A Helping Hand

"Remember well, and bear in mind, 
 a constant friend is hard to find." 
 - Laura Ingalls Wilder

My husband hand-feeding a White-breasted Nuthatch

Print Available - HERE 


Spring Maple

"Trees are the best monuments that a man can erect to his own memory. They speak his praises without flattery, and they are blessings to children yet unborn."
 - Lord Orrery

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