
Hummingbird Moths In Flight - Delight and Joy

"Not by appointment do we meet delight Or joy; 
 they heed not our expectancy; 
 But round some corner of the streets of life 
 they of a sudden greet us with a smile." 
 ~ Gerald Massey

Print Available - HERE 


Amazing Insects - Hummingbird Moth

"Look everywhere. There are miracles and curiosities to fascinate and intrigue for many lifetimes:.." 
Jay Woodman

My First of Year sighting of a Hummingbird Moth
Heritage Park - Blacksburg, VA

Prints and More Available - HERE 


Resting On Purple

"Nature is not a place to visit, it is home." 
 - Gary Snyder

Cabbage White Butterfly 

Prints, Pillow, Mugs and More are Available

Carolina Wren - Shout For Joy

"Shout for JOY 
to the Lord 
all the earth."
Psalm 100:1

Prints and Cards Available - HERE 


Chili Pepper Art

You can't use up creativity. 
The more you use, the more you have. 
- Maya Angelou

Prints, Pillows, Mugs and More are Available - HERE 

Wild Birds - Anhinga

The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead. The grand and the simple. They are equally wonderful. 
 ― Marjorie Pay Hinckley

During a visit to Florida, I was able to see my first Anhinga drying its wings.
What a super sight to see!

Print Available - HERE  


Life Delights In Life

"For everything that lives is holy, 
life delights in life." 
- William Blake  

Prints, Pillows and More are Available - HERE 


White Hydrangea

"Teach us delight in the simple things,
And mirth that has no bitter springs;

Forgiveness free of evil done,
And love to all men beneath the sun."
- Rudyard Kipling 

Purchase Prints - HERE 


In Love with Lavender

“And the secret garden bloomed and bloomed and every morning revealed new miracles.”
 ― Frances Hodgson Burnett

Print Available - HERE 


Driftwood Beach in Black and White

"I realized if I wait until I'm not scared to try new things, then I'll never get to try them at all.” 
 ― Marie Sexton

Driftwood Beach on Jekyll Island in Georgia 

Print Available - HERE 


Monarch Butterfly on the Milkweed

“There are only two ways to live your life. 
One is as though nothing is a miracle. 
The other is as though 
everything is a miracle.” 
 ― Albert Einstein

Print Available - HERE 

First of Year Monarch Sighting for 2017 
Seen Sunday 07-09-17 

Heritage Park, Blacksburg, Virginia


House Finch Hanging Around

"May you see the world with wonder. 
 And may you imagine only good things." 
~ Charlene Costanzo

Print Available - HERE 


Lavender To The Sky

"Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint, and the soil and sky as canvas." 
- Elizabeth Murray

Print Available - HERE 


A Garden To Walk In....

“A garden to walk in 
and immensity to dream in--
what more could he ask? 
A few flowers at his feet 
and above him the stars.” 
― Victor Hugo

Print Available - HERE 


Lilies In the Garden

“Anything you can do to make the world a more beautiful place is worth trying.” 
 ― Dorian Cirrone

Print Available - HERE 

Hydrangea Close Up

"What a desolate place would be a world without a flower! It would be a face without a smile, a feast without a welcome. Are not flowers the stars of the earth, and are not our stars the flowers of the heaven." 
-  A.J. Balfour

Print Available - HERE 


Female Goldfinch in the Flowers

"The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses." 
 ~ Hanna Rion

Female American Goldfinch in the flowers
at the Hahn Horticulture Garden,
Blacksburg, Virginia 

Print Available - HERE 

Visitor to The Lavender

‘As Rosemary is to the Spirit, 
so Lavender is to the Soul.‘ 
– Unknown

Print Available - HERE 


Delightful Dragonfly

“Fear never scaled one mountain, never stepped up on a stage, never accepted a challenge, never tilled new ground, never walked in a race; he never even dared to dream. Fear failed to slay a single dragon. Remember this before you choose to keep his company.” 
 ― Richelle E. Goodrich

A Widow Skimmer Dragonfly (I think)

I used to be so afraid of dragonflies. Of all kinds of insects really - until a little over 10 years ago when Jim purchased my first camera for me. Since then I've been hooked on viewing nature - and some of it quite closely. The intricacies of the wings of a dragonfly make my heart sing

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