
Green Heron

Beautiful memories tell our story, and wrap themselves in ribbons of the heart.  
- Flavia

From our trip to Jekyll Island, Georgia
Summer 2016
A Wonderful Memory

Print Available - HERE 


A Bambi Moment

“You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” 
 ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

During our visit to Pipestem State Park I was blessed to see
a very sweet wildlife encounter.  
I am on the 7th floor of the hotel looking down and
see a raccoon and deer nose to nose.  
It was a real-life Bambi moment! 

Prints, Mugs, Cards, and More are Available - HERE 


The Fog Rises Over the Bluestone Gorge

“We are now in the mountains and they are in us, kindling enthusiasm, making every nerve quiver, filling every pore and cell of us.”
- John Muir

Print Available - HERE 


After The Rain - The Bluestone Gorge at Pipestem State Park

It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts. 
~K.T. Jong

Print Available - HERE 


Foggy Layers

 From a visit to Pipestem State Park 
 Pipestem, West Virginia.
The Fog was so thick over the Bluestone Gorge that 
the mountains were almost entirely hidden.

Print Available - HERE


Sunset Over the Bluestone Gorge - Pipestem State Park

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, 
but to add color to my sunset sky.” 
 ― Rabindranath Tagore

Print Available - HERE 


Mary Baldwin College - Staunton Virginia

Mary Baldwin College Historical Marker
Downtown Staunton, Virginia

Print Available - HERE 

Wikipedia tells me:
"Mary Baldwin University (MBU, formerly Mary Baldwin College) is a private liberal arts university[2][3][4] in Staunton, Virginia. It was founded in 1842 by Rufus William Bailey as Augusta Female Seminary.[5] Today, Mary Baldwin University is home to the Mary Baldwin College for Women, a residential women's college with a focus on liberal arts and leadership,[6] as well as co-educational residential undergraduate programs within its University College[7] structure. MBU also offers co-educational graduate degrees as well as undergraduate degree and certificate programs for non-traditional-aged students. The university is the oldest institution of higher education for women in the nation affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA),[8][9] and it is home to the only all-female corps of cadets in the world.[10][11]"


Grackle In the Pines

To look at any thing, 
 If you would know that thing, 
 You must look at it long... 
 John Moffitt

Print Available - HERE 


Bathing Beauty

"In small proportions we just beauties see, 
And in short measures life may perfect be." 
- Ben Jonson

American Robin takes a bath

Print Available - HERE 

Abstract Art - Peaceful Flight

"Everything is in motion. Everything flows. 
Everything is vibrating." 
Dr. Wayne Dyer

Tree Swallow in flight 
over the pond.
This Art created from my original photograph.

Print Available - HERE 


Male Cardinal and His Berry

"I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright." 
~ Henry David Thoreau



Historic Staunton Virginia - St. Francis Of Assisi Catholic Church

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church on New Street in Historic Staunton, Virginia. You can find out more info about this church and the founding of the parish  here:    
(really very interesting!)

Print Available - HERE 

Robin Fledgling

"Everyone is the age of their heart." 
 ~ Guatemalan Proverb

Print Available - HERE 

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