
Foggy Path Through the Forest - Winter Trees 7

“Wherever you go, 
go with all your heart.” 
– Confucius

A foggy pathway through the forest at
Claytor Lake State Park - Dublin, Virginia

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My First Eagle In Flight

"The moments of happiness we enjoy 
take us by surprise. 
It is not that we seize them, 
but that they seize us." 
– Ashley Montagu

My first eagle in flight - from our Christmas Visit to
Claytor Lake State Park, 
Dublin, Virginia.


Red Barn - Country Living

The perfect journey is never finished, the goal is always just across the next river, round the shoulder of the next mountain. There is always one more track to follow, one more mirage to explore. 
 ~ Rosita Forbes

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Capital Wheel Reflections at National Harbor

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Info on the Capital Wheel:
"The Capital Wheel is a Ferris wheel at National Harbor, Maryland, just outside 
Washington, D. C., in the United States. 
It opened on May 23, 2014. The wheel was conceived by 
National Harbor developer Milton Peterson and inspired by the Roue de Paris."
Info source: Wikipedia

Jekyll Island Drama

Driftwood Beach - Jekyll Island, Georgia

“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.” 
― Henry David Thoreau

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Belted Kingfisher at Claytor Lake State Park

"Chase your dreams until you catch them...
and then dream, catch, and dream again!" 
~ Dee Marie

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I have tried for more than 10 years to get a decent shot of a Belted Kingfisher. This one isn't great - but it is the best I've ever gotten and I must say I am thrilled to have captured it. This was taken during our visit to Claytor Lake State Park for our 2019 Christmas Celebration.


Winter Tree 3 - at Claytor Lake State Park

“A cold wind was blowing from the north, and it made the trees rustle like living things.” 
― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

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The Face in the Winter Forest

“The best discoveries always happened 
to the people who weren't looking for them.” 
― Morgan Matson

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Winter Trees In the Forest - Claytor Lake State Park

"If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees.” 
― Hal Borland 

 Print Available - HERE

Winter Tree 2 - At Claytor Lake State Park

"The best friend on earth of man is the tree. When we use the tree respectfully and economically, we have one of the greatest resources on the earth." 
- Frank Lloyd Wright

From our visit to Claytor Lake State Park - December 2019.

Print Available - HERE 


Winter Tree 1 - at Claytor Lake State Park

"Have you ever noticed a tree standing naked against the sky, How beautiful it is? All its branches are outlined, and in its nakedness There is a poem, there is a song. Every leaf is gone and it is waiting for the spring. When the spring comes, it again fills the tree with The music of many leaves, Which in due season fall and are blown away. And this is the way of life." 
- Krishnamurti

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Icy Image from an Ice Storm

“Kindness is spreading sunshine into people’s lives regardless of the weather.”

– Raktivist

White-breasted Nuthatch Bird Art

Wear a smile and have friends; 
wear a scowl and have wrinkles. 
- George Eliot

This art created from my original photograph.

Print Available - HERE 



Dark-eyed Junco on a Branch

“True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.” 
― Antoine De Saint-Exupery

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Little Peachy

 “When you think positive, good things happen.” 
– Matt Kemp 

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This Old House

“If history were taught in the form of stories, 
it would never be forgotten.” 
― Rudyard Kipling

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Hearts In a Row - Bleeding Hearts

"Let us be grateful to the people 
who make us happy; 
they are the charming gardeners 
who make our souls blossom.” 
― Marcel Proust

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Old Barn Along The Road

“Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck. 
Faith is the solvent that sets you free.” 
― Shannon L. Alder

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Autumn Red - A Male Cardinal

“Dwell on the beauty of life." 
 ― Marcus Aurelius

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The Carousel at National Harbor

 The Carousel at National Harbor is a 36-foot Americana-themed carousel featuring a herd of whimsical creatures with the sparkling Potomac as a backdrop. 
Located at National Harbor, Maryland, USA.

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