
Sweet Simple Things

(House finch in Callery pear tree.)

I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.
~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

Hope you all are able to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life. 


Sarah Knight said...

Lovely shot : )

We have a male house finch that hangs around in our yard. They have the sweetest song, and are such precocious birds. They often end up hanging out with the bluebird brood after they've fledged.

HappyK said...

He's beautiful against the blue sky!!
The second quote is one of my favorites!!

Tom said...

Jane says she live with her very own sweet simple thing.... I do not know if that is a compliment or not Kerri.. ha!
As always a beauty of a shot.

Steve Gravano said...

Beautiful photos! How do you get so close?

Hilary said...

What a beauty. Your birds must love you.

agawphotography said...


cindyzlogic said...

Hey! Kerri! Love the House Finch photos! That was going to be my subject on my next post! Ha! I think we're kindred spirits!

Mimi said...

Lovely shot, and that second quote is just so true. We have to live in the day, don't we?

Barb said...

Red, white, and blue - Perfect!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Ah yes,it is the simple things that make each day special.Another thing that makes each day special is a visit to your blog.I love the pictures and you share such wonderful and uplifting words.

Bradley Hsi said...

What a lovely bird, blue sky, flowering tree, the arrival of spring season.

Rick said...

Agreed - it`s the simple things in life that matter. Beautiful shot to go along with some great quotes.

Carletta said...

A beautiful shot!

I have seen one of these in my yard this spring. It's the first one I've seen in almost three years. I hope he stays around. :)

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a pretty bird!

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