
Radford, Virginia - Along Main Street

"Well I was born in a small town 
And I live in a small town 
Probably die in a small town 
Oh, those small communities" 
- John Mellencamp

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Ghost Signs in Radford Virginia

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History is a symphony of echoes heard and unheard. It is a poem with events as verses. 
~ Charles Angoff

This is what Wikipedia says about Ghost Signs: 

 A ghost sign is an old hand-painted advertising sign that has been preserved on a building for an extended period of time. 

The sign may be kept for its nostalgic appeal, or simply indifference by the owner Ghost signs are found across the world with the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Canada having many surviving examples. Ghost signs are also called fading ads[ and brickads.

 In many cases these are advertisements painted on brick that remained over time. Old painted advertisements are occasionally discovered upon demolition of later-built adjoining structures. 

Throughout rural areas, old barn advertisements continue to promote defunct brands and quaint roadside attractions. Many ghost signs from the 1890s to 1960s are still visible. Such signs were most commonly used in the decades before the 
Great Depression.


Vineyard Grapes

“The juice of the grape is the liquid quintessence of concentrated sunbeams.” 
 ― Thomas Love Peacock

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Vineyard View Through The Window

A view of the Vineyard through the window.

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Historic Buildings in Radford Virginia

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Info from Wikipedia:

East Radford Historic District is a national historic district located at Radford, Virginia. It encompasses 302 contributing buildings and 5 contributing structures in a mixed residential and commercial section of Radford, comprising most of the historic boundaries of the town of Central Depot. It was developed between 1866 and 1916, and includes notable examples of Queen Anne and Colonial Revival style architecture. Notable buildings include the Shanks House, the Ward-Carter House, Fraternity Building, Carson's Drug Store, Shumate Store, Alleghany Hotel, Simon Block, Bond Building, Williamson House, Maplehurst (the Arthur Roberts House), Dobbins Apartments, Belle Heth School (c. 1912), Grove Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church (1913), M. Jackson Hardware Company (1918), and Farmers' and Merchants' Bank.

It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2000.


Radford Virginia - Time for a Visit

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” 
 ― J.R.R. Tolkien

Image made along Main Street in 
Downtown Radford, Virginia.

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Radford Main Street - Radford Virginia

My artistic rendering of Main Street in Radford, Virginia

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White-throated Sparrow Surrounded by Spring

“I surround myself with love 
by loving everything around me.” 
 ― Laurie Gray

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Blue Ridge Parkway Views - Trees and Fence

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike. 
~ John Muir

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Migratory Birds - Baltimore Oriole

"Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come." 
- Chinese Proverb

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Wild Birds - Northern Mockingbird

“I believe in kindness. Also in mischief. Also in singing, especially when singing is not necessarily prescribed.” 
 ― Mary Oliver

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Cicada in the Leaves

“Everything has beauty, 
but not everyone sees it.” 
 ― Confucius

Not the most beautiful bug - but they do look quite unique.
Those transparent wings are pretty awesome!
I hear them a LOT but rarely 
do I find one to photograph.

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Rock Castle Gorge - Another View from the Blue Ridge Parkway

“Going to the mountains is going home.” 
 - John Muir

Another view of Rock Castle Gorge on the Blue Ridge Parkway

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Mabry Mill on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Oh, give me the country! where grass is green; 
 Where the roses bloom with satiny sheen; 
 Where the modest violet lifts up its head, 
 As on it the warmth of the sun is shed: 

Give me the country! where all is serene; 
 Where the air is pure and fragrant and clean, 
 And noise of the city is far away; 
 Where gaiety thrives through each night and day. 

God made the country, so lovely and fair!, 
 Its wide open spaces for all to share; 
 Where joy and contentment each one may find 
 If he, earnestly, seeks for peace of mind.
 ~ Gertrude Tooley Buckingham

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Rock Castle Gorge on the Blue Ridge Parkway

“Wherever we go in the mountains, or indeed in any of God's wild fields, 
we find more than we seek.” 
 ― John Muir  

 Jim and I took a trip up to the Blue Ridge Parkway on Sunday. 
This was shot from the Rock Castle Gorge overlook.

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