

Before attending church on Sunday, my sister and I got out early for a nice walk.
This duck was still sleeping... or maybe he was just trying to take a nap.....

I took several shots.... this was my perspective when I took this shot.... I was above him.

I think it looks better rotated like this.
He has his beak buried in his feathers, and up on one leg,
but he was looking at me the entire time.
Of all the photographs I took in Baltimore, I love this one best!
(click on the pics to makes a difference)
Added : For a look at another duck... check out Abe's site:


Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

haha.....he's such a cutie.......:)

photowannabe said...

It took me a minute to figure out how to look at it. I actually liked having to work a bit for your picture. Interesting and I like the coloring, especially the orange feet.

Tom said...

The posture is great, and that eye... I love the texture of the wood and the feathers here.. a beautiful shot..

Anonymous said...

Yes, you and I think alike. LOL

Thanks for your visit.

quintarantino said...

That guy is real cute!

FO - 2 said...

Beautiful! :)
The colours on these ducks are just lovely! :)

Wayne said...

I know just what you mean about rotating pictures. Sometimes you just have to, and sometimes it messes with your head. I think that is because your mind knows there is something just a wee bit hinky about the perspective. Or maybe that's just me! :)
Thanks for coming by, and the nice comments. I am enjoying your blog.

Willard said...

The unusual angles make the pictures very interesting although I think I like the last one best, but they are all good.

dot said...

Cute pictures. That middle one really made me laugh!

Janet said...

They don't look very comfortable, do they?

Alyssa said...

Kerri - What unusual and pretty photos of the Baltimore duck. I'm surprised that he posed for you like that. He must be used to humans around him. Wouldn't you love to pick him up and hug him??
Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind words. It's great to have those kind of happy additions.

Annie said...

Sleeping with one eye open - I've often heard people say they do that but I've not seen it so vividly depicted before. Very nice.

Mark said...

Hi Kerrie,
Tanks for poping over, I was wondering how long you have had this bench fixation for? Do you photograph them or do you have to sit on them as well?

Cheers Mark

Front Porch Society said... cute!! That is a great close-up top view of the duck, though.

Rune Eide said...

How in the wide world did you manage to sneak up on the duck like that? Great job!

PS And thank you for the nice comments

Happyone said...

What cute pictures!! I like the last one best too :-)

imac said...

Orange sauce. :):)

wow such great angles and great shots.

Mike's Travels said...

He's got some great colours!

Tony, Paula, Murphy & Cosmo said...

Love how you can see that one eye looking at you.

ASHE said...

He looks like a circus contortionist in some of these :) I had to come over and see your duck, they do seem to be something of a theme of late :)

Holly said...

I love ducks and this is a very pretty little guy. I enjoy the photo of you above the duck (before rotated) - it's an angle I don't think I would have tried, but it's wonderful!

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