
Tree Series

Tree #1 - Lone Tree on Riner Farm in Color

#2 - Lone Tree on Riner Farm - less color

#3. Lone Tree on Riner Farm - Almost no color

#4. Lone Tree on Riner Farm - B&W

Which one do you like best?


quintarantino said...

For me, the first one.

Gudl said...

I think I like the first one best, because of the colors and the sky

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of partial to the last one...I like the BW!

Oswegan said...

I'd say the B&W has the most contrast, and is therefore my fave.

I like the color, however the first one has a blue cast in the shadows on the hill.

This is difficult to correct without mastering "curves" in photoshop. It is a common occurrence with digital cameras on auto white balance - Ben Willmore's book has a great section on this.

I really love the idea of doing a series like this across seasons. I think you should continue into the spring and summer.


Bonnie said...

I like #4, the b&w. It's got great contrast along with a good composition.

dot said...

I like the first one best.

Annie said...

I like the first and then the last and really can't decide between them.

Rob said...

I really like the contrast in your last photo. The second to last is interesting with the lack of color, except for shades of green. Are you playing with Photoshop?

Wayfarer said...

The first one is where my heart wants to be..The last one is where my heart is..Love them all..

Sand said...

The color one to show off the leaves in the background and the sky

RUTH said...

I like the first one but the last is my favourite. Very atmospheric.

Kerri Farley said...
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Kerri Farley said...

Thanks so much for the feedback everyone! I really appreciate it!!

imac said...

B/W Kerri, others good but the b/w stands out better.

Tom said...

Without doubt for me it is the B&W.. by taking away the colour I think you have added atmosphere to the picture. The colour of the first picture is nice enough... a good autumnal picture.. but without the colour a mystery begins.. The crows sat on top of the tree now seem more menacing, as if on watch, the others circling come into play as well.
Ha! what I'm really saying is I like the B&W one... I'm new to the camera and still learning so I'll not judge it by form, frame, texture, or anything technical.. I'll just go by what I can see. What I like. I hope thats O.K.

Front Porch Society said...

I like the 1st and the last! :)

Happyone said...

The first picture is the one I like best. I always like color better than black and white. Seems more cheerful!! :-)

Andromeda Jazmon said...

I like the first one. With the green, red and blue highlights behind it it seems to glow.

Wayne said...

I have to vote for #4, as the B&W best courts the stark, bare tree in the foreground. All the background simply becomes drapery at the rear of the stage.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

In color..any day ..i love my colorful world :)

John Roberts said...

I like #3 best - it seems to have the most contrast between tree and background (at least to my eyes).

John said...

Your pictures remind me of days as a young man in Virginia. Thanks for the memory boost.

Holly said...

I like the first one the best. It almost looks as if you took a bit of color out of it, but knowing you didn't and got this effect makes it that much more wonderful!

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