
A Snowy Titmouse

 All that we behold is full of blessings.
 ~ William Wordsworth


John Roberts said...

My wife loves these. Excellent capture!

Jayne said...

I love the Titmice too. They are such cheerful little birds. :c)

Whipped cream in your coffee... mmmmm.... that sounds divine!

Steve Creek said...

Nice one!

Robin's Nesting Place said...

This is a great shot! I'm looking forward to the coming snow, just for the birds it brings!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

How adorable! I think we are supposed to get more snow here this weekend, but we shall see. Thanks for the link to your shop...there are so many lovely little things there! :) Theresa

happyone said...

I love all your pictures.
Enjoy your coffee!
Snow headed our way again too. They say 1 -2 feet!!

FAB said...

Adorable Titmouse.

shabby girl said...

What a beautiful photograph! I look forward to more of these shots; birds & snow!

Chris said...

It is a really beautiful picture. You got a really nice background effect with the snowflakes! Wonderful picture!

Dawning Inspiration said... precious!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Beautiful shot of this cute bird.Stay warm and well during the storm.

nonizamboni said...

Happy Thursday to you! Thanks for sharing the closeup and the whipped cream hint. I can do with those three: birds, whipped cream and umm, I guess, the snow. In that order.
More snow on the way in MN.

Barb said...

The titmouse looks as though it's enjoying the weather.

Phyllis said...

I love the little titmice!

Carletta said...

Always such beauty my dear Kerri!
Whipped creme and coffee - tomorrow morning. :)

Marcie said...

Am totally in awe of these beautiful sweet birds you've found in the snow. Gorgeous images!!!

MizMell said...

Whipped cream in coffee sounds interesting. I have never thought of that, but since you mentioned it--will give it a try.

imac said...

Brill photography of the birds.

Gene Bowker said...

Love your shots! I can't wait until each new post!

I added your blog to my blogroll to encourage more people to come and share the beauty.


Debbie Miller @HooootOwl said...

beautiful color and detail. Wonderful picture. Love this bird.

Jeannette StG said...

What a brave bird -it looks like a warrior!
How funny! I drink my coffee with whipped cream instead of half and half or creamer. And when I drink coffee from Starbucks, I order a decaf Cappucino without the foam, but with whipped cream:)

Unknown said...

Superb pic Kerry

Country Girl said...

Gorgeous, Kerri!

It's snowing like crazy here and has been since the afternoon.

Mimi said...

Lovely capture, Kerri.
Hope you're enjoying the snow, and lots of coffee with whipped cream- I do that too!

CG said...

Everyone needs a treat every day. I love your snow& bird photos. Like you, I'm trying not to wish my life away but...hurry up SPRING!

greygirl25 said...

Such a beautiful image.

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