

Let the mystery carry you breathlessly along.
― Marty Rubin 

I "think" this is a leaf-footed bug. Whatever it is, I thought it looked kind of neat!  


Hilary said...

Oh cool.. it does look like a small, dead leaf itself.

Jayne said...

Coolio Kerri!

Barb said...

Kerri, You find the best small things in Nature to photograph and make them grow big in our eyes. You help us see what would be missed. Enjoy your weekend.

Cindy said...

I love the bug's rust color, how did you ever see it. It's just lovely.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I too thought that it was a piece of dried leaf matter.I love the decoration of dew drops.Have a fantastic day.

Julie G. said...

Yes, a very cool image! That little bug does look leaf-like. The pretty dew drops on the buds are especially lovely. You capture nature in the most beautiful way!

Whimbrel Nature said...

Cool bug Kerri! I also like the dew on the buds.

PoetessWug said...

You shoot the most amazing things!!! I love the water droplets so clear and precise too!

Mimi said...

Barb has said so eloquently exactly what I feel.
Thanks for sharing the wonder in your eyes, Kerri.

Cindy said...

I think you're right on what kind of bug it is. They're very interesting to look at. Love the photo. Have a great Sunday.

Lisa said...

I love your macro.
How stunning delicate and tiny.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Love that little string of beads!! ;o) So pretty!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic!!! The detail you captured is seriously amazing!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful capture, Kerri!

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