

There is no such thing as death, In nature, nothing dies: From each sad moment of decay some forms of life arise. 
- Charles Mackay


Nancy said...

That is so true -- the circle of life. Your photo depicts that sentiment very nicely. :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this! You are so creative. The textures and pattern created in this shot are fabulous!

MaggieGem said...

Wonderful image.. love the quote too!

SouthernSass said...

Great photo - I love the way you see the beauty in everything!

Laura said...

Absolutely exquisite! I love finding bits of nature, anything really in the process of transformation!

Meredith said...

Wow, Kerri. Very fine work.

Tiggeriffic said...

Nature always points up to God..
Love your pictures...
ta ta for now annieptigger@aoo.com
13 degrees in Iowa and Sunny

Marilyn & Jeff said...

What a fantastic photo, such rich colours.

Country Girl said...

Wow. Love the accompanying quote.

Unknown said...

Oh, this is brilliant! It is simple and subtle with the colours and the composition is really great too!

Mimi said...

It's kind of like"the darkest hour is before the dawn", isn't it?
You can make even a dead leaf llok good, Kerri.

forgetmenot said...

I repeat myself, but once again, you have taken something most people would not "think" about photographing and made it into an exquisite picture. The quote says it all too. Lovely work.

happyone said...

Looks like cloth that moths got to. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful image Kerri.

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