
Spider - with Lunch!

Always show the you in you that makes you the you that you are. ~Chidinma Obietikponah

I know this shot may creep some of you out. A few years ago it would have creeped me out. Now I find it fascinating how the little creatures of the world go about their daily business - just being themselves.

Taken at the Izaak Walton Park - Christiansburg, VA - 05-21-11


Sharon M said...

mmm juicy! Great photo!

Heather said...

Great find!!

TexWisGirl said...

great capture!

Anonymous said...

I don't like being too close to spiders.... but I do love photographing them. Such unique looking critters.


Reena said...

I know!!! My lens opens up a whole other world that I use to overlook in my busy moments.

Great photo!

Debbie said...

the circle of life, captured beautifully.

i agree with missing moments, my camera has shed a whole new light on the world and challenged me to see things that never interested me before.

Ali said...

Great shot! And perfect timing because yesterday I saw a jumping spider carrying a fly on one of my peony buds. Very neat!

forgetmenot said...

He's a "big eater"!! Mickie :)

the wild magnolia said...

Great photo capture. The spider captured the fly. Scary shot.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is an amazing capture.The quote is a good one.I guess I am the only one who can be me.

Laura~peach~ said...

awesome pic!

young-eclectic-encounters said...

I agree with missingmoments and Debbie.
I saw my camera the other day and thought what a blessing it is and how it has helped me see the world in a new way and it helps me to seek out and enjoy the beauty that surrounds me.
Nice post and fantastic photo.

Julie G. said...

Now that's a catch for that tiny spider. Fantastic capture! There are so many interesting things to see in the tiny world of insects.

Gone Country said...

Great photo! I can not show this to my husband though... he HATES spiders!

Robin Easton said...

Oh!! How talented you are. Just cannot get over these photos. I gasp at each one. The beauty is beyond words. I want to see more and more and more. Excellent job. Just brilliant.

Am curious what camera/lenses you use. Thank you for sharing your work. Made my day. Robin

Unknown said...

Cool close up! I just had a DOH! moment when I saw Christiansburg in the tags for this post. We live in Wytheville. It's a small world.

Ola said...

he must have ben very hungry!:) good that I have already finished my breakfast!:)

Bill S. said...

Bringing in the bacon. What a lovely shot.

Appalachian Lady said...

That looks like quite a meal for the spider. I find spiders fascinating.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow did you get great details of that spider!

Anonymous said...

Great photo.....that is nature...I like it...

Mary said...

Yes, we camera junkies become hardened in our attitude as we watch nature be itself....fascinating even when a bit creepy:-)

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