
Come on - Laugh With Me!

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. 
 ~Phyllis Diller 

 Not the most graceful heron - but he made me smile!
This was taken during one of our vacations in Pine Knoll Shores, North Carolina. 
 This guy was at the North Carolina Aquarium.

Don't you find that everything seems a bit better when you smile? :) It's so hard to be upset with a smile on your face or laughter in your voice.
So come on - Laugh with me - and get your smile on!


Dawning Inspiration said...

I'm smilin'!
Looks like a dancin' bird!! Cute!

TexWisGirl said...

love the wing action!

Ruth Hiebert said...

A photo worth smiling about. Yes,the world is a better place when we smile. :)

SandyCarlson said...

He's got style! Great quote, too!

Gillian Olson said...

Thank you, this great picture did make me smile. There certainly are times when Herons look anything but graceful.

Rohrerbot said...

Beautiful shot of the bird. Looks good to me:)

Shane Kent Louis said...

Great capture! The heron looks as if it skates above the water gracefully. :)

Dog Fence

eileeninmd said...

Kerri, another great quote and a wonderful capture of the heron.

happyone said...

So true. : )

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