
Along The Road

Along The Road

Joy at the start
Fear in the journey
Joy in the coming home
A part of the heart gets lost in the learning
Somewhere along the road

Along the road your path may wander
A pilgrim's faith may fail
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Darkness obscures the trail

Cursing the quest
Courting disaster
Measureless nights forbode
Moments of rest
Glimpses of laughter
Are treasured along the road

Along the road your steps may stumble
Your thoughts may start to stray
But through it all a heart held humble
Levels and lights your way

Joy at the start
Fear in the journey
Joy in the coming home
A part of the heart gets lost in the learning
Somewhere along the road
Somewhere along the road
Somewhere along the road

~ Dan Fogelberg

Link to youtube - Live Version - HERE 
(It's Awesome!) 


Hilary said...

Sigh.. I love Dan Fogelberg. He was an amazing talent.

TexWisGirl said...

really enjoyed this.

Ellie said...

Lovely, lovely song. He sure had a lovely voice. Thanks so much for sharing this :)

Brian King said...


Julie G. said...

I used to enjoy listening to Dan Fogelberg while I was in my teens. Loved his music. Beautiful image and words!

forgetmenot said...

Dan Fogelberg--one of my favorites.
His words always "hit" a spot in my heart and many times brought tears to my eyes. Mickie

happyone said...

A beautiful picture with beautiful words.

EG CameraGirl said...

Thanks for the link, Kerri. Fogelberg was such a talented artist!

barbara l. hale said...

Loving this!

Mary said...

Wonderful it.

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