
The Art of Flowers - Japanese Anemone

"We can make room for more experiences of radiance, peace, and beauty; 
and when we do, they arrive. 
When we make an intention 
to experience peace, 
when we value it enough 
to make room for it
 and invite it into our busy lives, 
it arrives bearing gifts."

— Gina Lake 
from her book  
What about Now?: Reminders for Being in the Moment

Prints and More Available - HERE 


Tall Trees In Winter

Along a path at Hungry Mother State Park
Marion, Virginia 

Trees are sanctuaries. 
Whoever knows how to speak to them, 
whoever knows how to listen to them, 
can learn the truth. 
They do not preach learning and precepts, 
they preach, undeterred by particulars, 
the ancient law of life. 
Hermann Hesse

Prints and More are Available - HERE 


Canoe Reflections

Hungry Mother State Park - Marion, VA 

The imagination is a palette of bright colors. You can use it to touch up memories — or you can use it to paint dreams. 
~ Robert Brault

Prints and More Available - HERE 


Claytor Lake Landscape

Claytor Lake State Park - Dublin, Virginia 

“I think the only answer is to live life to the fullest while you can and collect memories like fools collect money. Because in the end, that's all you have - happy memories.” 
 ― Sarah Strohmeyer

Print Available - HERE 

Winter Landscape at Hungry Mother State Park

".....only in the winter, in the country, can you have longer, quiet stretches when you can savor belonging to yourself. "
 ~ Ruth Stout

Print Available - HERE 


The Guest

Mourning Dove in the Snow 

 "The happiest chap I ever met,
 The freest of all dark regret,
 Was one who deemed his days to be
 A gift of hospitality

 With God his Host; and as His guest
 Viewed everything with interest.
 And like a grateful visitor
 Who wished to even up the score,
 Did all he could both day and night
 To give his fellow-guests delight."


Print Available - HERE 


Male Cardinal as the Snow Falls


 Underneath the fields are sleeping.
 Overhead the ice is gleaming,
 Underneath the rills are dreaming.
 Overhead the clouds are piling,
 But beyond the skies are smiling.
 Overhead the snow is falling,
 Yet I hear soft voices calling
 To my soul, through winter groping,
 Bidding me to keep on hoping,
 For that through such chill as this is,
 Through the arctical abysses,
 Nature leads her sons and daughters
 On to springtime's sunny waters.

Print Available - HERE 


Snow Day

“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? 
And then it covers them up snug, you know, 
with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, 
"Go to sleep, darlings, 
till the summer comes again.” 
 ― Lewis Carroll 

Print Available - HERE 

The first snow of 2017 
captured on the morning of 01/07/17 


Fat and Fluffy - Blue Jay in the Snow

“Forget the place you're trying to get to 
and see the beauty in right now...” 
 ― Evanescence

Print Available - HERE 


Bridge Reflections at Hungry Mother State Park

“Men build too many walls and not enough bridges.” 
 ― Joseph Fort Newton  

 We visited this wonderful state park over the 
2016 Christmas Holidays. 
Jim had been there on a family vacation about many years ago when he was a boy and had always wanted to visit again.  I had never been but had always seen pictures of this bridge (from various perspectives) and I had wanted to shoot it for a LONG time.  I finally got my chance!

Print Available - HERE 


Tree Island at Hungry Mother State Park

"For last year's words 
belong to last year's language 
 And next year's words await another voice."
 T.S. Eliot

From our visit to Hungry Mother State Park in Marion, Virginia.

Print Available - HERE 

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