
Rock Cairn Along The Bluestone River

"It is possible to live twenty-four hours a day in a state of love. Every movement, every glance, every thought, and every word can be infused with love." 
 — Thich Nhat Hanh

Prints, Cards and More are Available - HERE 

Embraced By Autumn

What would life be if we had 
no courage to attempt anything? 
-Vincent van Gogh

My artistic rendering of trees along Deerfield Trail

Print Available - HERE 


Holding Hands And Growing Old Together

“Grow old with me! The best is yet to be.” 
 ― Robert Browning

Print Available - HERE 



“At night I dream that you and I are two plants that grew together, roots entwined...." 
― Pablo Neruda

Female Cardinal in the Berries

"In the garden of my life I'm done with anger, done with strife. 
 I cultivate my own few joys far from this culture's buzzing noise. 

 Colonnade and marketplace, fame's small change and money's race, 
 academe's cold haughty tower -- have no meaning, hold no power. 

 Letting go of shoulds and oughts, 
 I concentrate on greener thoughts 
 and find as I fulfill my soul that things spin calmly in control, 
 that though events conspire still, 
 they tend to bend towards my will. 

 No greater cause achieves the measure 
 than that of my own reasoned pleasure." 

 - Peter Saint-Andre, In the Garden

Print Available - HERE 

The Therapy of Flowers

“You could wonder for hours what flowers mean, but for me, they're life itself, in all its happy brilliance. We couldn't do with out flowers. Flowers help you forget life's tragedies.” 

― Marc Chagall

Shrimp Boat

Print Available - HERE 

My artistic rendering of a shrimp boat seen during a visit to Jekyll Island in Georgia. 
 Created from my original photograph.


Driftwood Beach Morning

Every moment possesses its own kind of magic. 
 ― Autumn Doughton

I captured a little bit of "magic" at Driftwood Beach
Jekyll Island, Georgia

Print Available - HERE 


Deere In the Wildflowers

"Creativity is intelligence having fun." 
 — Albert Einstein

John Deere that is :)

Print Available - HERE 

Patterns in the Rock

“The simple act of paying attention 
can take you a long way.” 
― Keanu Reeves

Print Available - HERE 

Foxtail Abstract Art

The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass 
it becomes a 
mysterious, awesome, indescribably 
magnificent world in itself. 
 ~ Henry Miller

My Artistic Rendering of a Foxtail
created from my original photograph.

Print Available - HERE 


Monarch Butterfly

When the world says, "Give up," 
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time." 
~Author Unknown

Print Available - HERE 


Painted Lady Butterfly

"Wander a whole summer if you can...time will not be taken from the sum of your life. Instead of shortening, it will definitely lengthen it....." 
 ― John Muir

Prints, Pillow, Mugs and More Available - HERE 

Moth Mullein Wildflowers

“Wildflowers are the stuff of my heart!” 
 ― Lady Bird Johnson

Print Available - HERE 


There Is Only ONE Today

Powerful words!

Prints, Cards, and More are Available - HERE 

Butterfly Art - Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

If you have a vision, do something with it. 
Anthony J. D'Angelo

Print Available - HERE 

Carolina Wren in the Autumn Forest

Awareness is a choice, and sometimes it takes effort. But it’s never disappointing if we truly put some effort into it. The rewards for our effort already surround us all the time, but they’re awards that we miss constantly until we make the decision to open our eyes and our hearts to the beauty that’s always everywhere. 
~ Tom Walsh

This Art created from my original photograph

Print Available - HERE 

A Gentle Breath of Heaven - Hummingbird Art

Every now and then, when the world sits just right, a gentle breath of heaven fills my soul with delight...
~ Hazelmarie Elliott 

This Hummingbird Print is Available - HERE 

Monarch in the Mist

To look at any thing, 
If you would know that thing, 
 You must look at it long... 
 John Moffitt

Print Available - HERE 

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