
Goldfinch Flyaway

The goal is not to change your subjects, but for the subject to change the photographer. 
 ~ Unknown

This little flyaway goldfinch was seen on the same day as the one I posted before. Some have asked how often I see these little ones .... I see them quite often. Sweet little yellows hanging out in the fields and chowing down on the seeds. Click HERE to hear the variety of songs they sing. (I had to click it twice so you may need to do that.)


PoetessWug said...

So golden and purdy! :-)

Anonymous said...

Airborne... coming in for a landing...

Debbie said...

there's nothing quite like the feeling of flying free!!!

eileeninmd said...

Awesome flight capture, Kerri!

Reena said...

some of the most colorful beauties!

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful. we only get them here during winter migrations so see their khakiness...

Gail Dixon said...

Wish I could fly away like that...

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

Goldfinches seem to be at their height in color contrast. Yours looks like a jet coming in for a landing.

Malgorzata Ingstad said...

Wonderful spirit in this picture.

Malgorzata Ingstad said...

Wonderful spirit in this picture.

Julie G. said...

Lovely in flight image, Kerri! I love the speed shown in this photograph. Goldfinches have the most beautiful song. Great capture!

Anonymous said...

Such excellent timing. Beautifully captured moment in time.

Horst in Edmonton said...

The little Goldfinch sure has some beautiful songs. We have them here around Edmonton as well, but mostly in the rural areas.

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Love the movement of this. We get the goldfinches in winter, but they never have their beautiful summer colors. It's great.

Shady Gardener said...

Great catch! We have them in our front yard these days - I've kept the thistle feeder full. Before long the flowers will have seeds...

i beati said...

haven't see one in 30 years maybe thanks

the wild magnolia said...
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the wild magnolia said...

I am changed.

Thank you for sharing.

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