
Use It Well

Linking with Tuesday Muse


Nancy said...

Gorgeous Kerri! I love the quote too! xo

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Everything about this post is perfect!

Anne Payne said...

So true! Lovely photo.

happyone said...

A great quote and so true! Picture is not so bad either. : )

Barbara said...

So beautiful, I love the quote.

Nancy said...

I love your edit of this photograph; really emphasizes the bird....and your words of full of wisdom....

TexWisGirl said...

neat shot!

Kathy Reed said...

Love the blues and the quote!

barbara l. hale said...

Beautiful photo and excellent quote!

A Colorful World said...

Fabulous quote...beautiful photo!

Snap said...

Wonderful! Quote, too!

Nicki said...

Wonderful edit on this photo and excellent choice of quote.

Mary said...

How very true. Great shot!

Laura said...

absolutely beautiful image and deep wise wisdom, but what else could we expect from HH?

Poppy (aka Val) said...

Those words are so true. A lovely picture to go with them too :)

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