
Autumn Squirrel

"The average squirrel cogitation 
goes something like this: 
I wonder what there is to eat.” 
 ― Kate DiCamillo

I'm quite a bit like the squirrel as I'm always wondering the same thing :) 

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Male Cardinal Surrounded by Autumn - Textured Art

Days are stringed instruments and every one strikes a different note. 
 ~ Kenneth Alfred Evelyn Alexander

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A Farewell

This was a picture of Mom and Dad that was 
taken soon after they married - 69 years ago.
On Monday, September 12 my mother 
traveled to her eternal home.
 I take comfort in knowing that I will see her again.

My home is in heaven.  
I'm just traveling through this world.
- Billy Graham


Marsh and Pond

“Be mindful. Be grateful. Be positive. 
Be true. Be kind.” 
― Roy T. Bennett

Print Available - HERE 

Fog Rising Over the Pond

“You have to accept whatever comes, 
and the only important thing 
is that you meet it with 
the best you have to give.” 
 ― Eleanor Roosevelt

Print Available - HERE 

Trees Along the Path at Bisset Park

 Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. 
- Lao Tzu 

Print Available - HERE


Hummingbird Moth In Flight

Make time for quiet moments,
 as God whispers and the world is loud. 
~ Author Unknown

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Great Blue Heron Visitor

The world is full of Poetry—the air 
Is living with its spirit; and the waves 
Dance to the music of its melodies, 
And sparkle in its brightness. 
Earth is veiled, 
And mantled with its beauty; and the walls, 
That close the universe, with crystal, in, 
Are eloquent with voices, that proclaim 
The unseen glories of immensity... 
~ James G. Percival

Print Available - HERE 


Leaf in the Wildflowers

"Happily we bask in this warm September sun, Which illuminates all creatures..." 
 - Henry David Thoreau

Print Available - HERE 


Ocean Palms

A vacation is having nothing to do 
and all day to do it in. 
~ Robert Orben

Taken during our trip to Jekyll Island, Georgia this past July.

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