
Sanctuary Tree

"Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth. They do not preach learning and precepts, they preach, undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life." 
 - Hermann Hesse

Print and More Available on my Website - HERE 

Cherry Blossoms

Kwanzan Cherry Blossoms at the Virginia Tech Duckpond
Blacksburg, Virginia

“What a strange thing! 
to be alive 
beneath cherry blossoms.” 
 ― Kobayashi Issa

Print Available - HERE 


Lilac Blooms - Spring Beginnings

"The naked earth is warm with Spring, 
And with green grass and bursting trees 
Leans to the sun's kiss glorying, 
And quivers in the sunny breeze." 
- Julian Grenfell

Print Available for Purchase - HERE 

Redbud Blossoms

"How many million Aprils came 
 before I ever knew 
 how white a cherry bough could be, 
 a bed of squills, how blue 
 And many a dancing April 
 when life is done with me, 
 will lift the blue flame of the flower 
 and the white flame of the tree 
 Oh burn me with your beauty then, 
 oh hurt me tree and flower, 
 lest in the end death try to take 
 even this glistening hour..." -
 Sara Teasdale

Print Available - HERE 

Solitary Red Tulip

“I love tulips better than any other spring flower; they are the embodiment of 
alert cheerfulness and tidy grace.... 
I have heard them called bold and flaunting, but to me they seem modest grace itself, 
only always on the alert to enjoy life 
as much as they can and not be afraid 
of looking the sun or anything else 
above them in the face.” 
 ― Elizabeth von Arnim

Canvas Prints and More Available - HERE 


Blue Ridge Mountain Sunrise

“Yesterday is gone. 
 Tomorrow has not yet come. 
 We have only today. 
 Let us begin.” 
 ― Mother Teresa

Print Available - HERE 


Downtown Blacksburg - Scenes from the town

A collage of scenes from the 
Town of Blacksburg, Virginia.

Prints are available through my website:  HERE 


Sunrise at Rocky Knob - Blue Ridge Parkway

"There is a morning inside you 
 waiting to burst open into Light." 
 ~ Rumi

This Print Available for Purchase - HERE 


Sunrise Through The Tree - Blue Ridge Parkway

Every day a million miracles begin at sunrise! 
 ~ Eric Jerome Dickey

This Print Available for purchase - HERE 


Tufted Titmouse Surrounded By Spring

"Joy is found in the simple and ordinary things of life: the smile of a newborn baby, the kiss from a sweet new puppy, and the warm sunshine on a spring day." 
~ Marie Cornelio

Prints and More are Available - HERE 


Snow on the Pear Blossoms

“Is the spring coming?" he said. "What is it like?"... "It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine...” 
― Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden 

Or in this case - the snow falling on the pear blossoms! This was from our snow yesterday. We got about an inch and it was one of those that stuck to the trees well, but not so much to the roads. The best kind!

Print Available - HERE 


Male Cardinal - In The Pink

There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must 
be very quiet to hear it. 
- Minnie Aumonier

Print Available - HERE 

Under the Sea - An Alcohol Ink Painting

My original Alcohol Ink Painting 
"Under the Sea"

Print Available - HERE 

Alcohol Ink Art - Abstract Tree and Galaxy

Painting is a simple exercise 
in tension elimination. 
Joseph E. Criscuoli

Prints and More are available on my Website - HERE


Virginia Bluebells - Spring Wildflowers

"The seeker embarks on a journey to find what he wants and discovers, along the way, what he needs." 
~ Wally Lamb

On our Easter Sunday Walk we visited the Whitt-Riverbend Park in Ripplemead, Virginia (near Pearisburg) As we walked along trail that leads you right along the New River I spotted these beautiful Virginia Bluebells. This is the first time in my life I had seen Bluebells in "the wild". Normally I had found them in cultivated gardens. I was thrilled! As you can see they were not in full bloom and I'm not sure if I will be able to get back by the time they are - but they certainly were a JOY to see!

This Bluebell Print is Available - HERE 

Mabry Mill - Along The Blue Ridge Parkway - Black and White

You should sit in meditation 
for twenty minutes a day, 
unless you are too busy — 
then you should sit for an hour. 
~ Author Unknown

Print Available - HERE 

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