
Time is Flying By

 “I've noticed that as I get older, 
time seems to fly by in hyper-speed. 
You blink, and a week has passed - 
blink again, and a year has gone by.” 
― Elle Kennedy

Red-winged Blackbird flies by - 04-27-24 


Happiness Shared

 “Happiness held is the seed; 
happiness shared is the flower.” 
- John Harrigan


Dogwood Delight

 “Misery might love company, but so does joy. And joy throws much better parties.” 
- Billy Ivey


White-crowned Sparrow in Spring Green

 “Whoever is happy will make others happy too.” 
- Anne Frank

Print Available - HERE 

Just the Four of Us - Tulips

 “The sun just touched the morning; 
 The morning, happy thing, 
 Supposed that he had come to dwell, 
 And life would be all spring.”
 ― Emily Dickinson 

Print Available - HERE


Vibrant Orange Tulip

 "To err on the side of kindness is seldom an error." 
 ~ Liz Armbruster 

 Print Available - HERE

Ebony Jewelwings - Male and Female

 “Life is a series of thousands of tiny little miracles. Notice them.”
 – Unknown 

 Ebony Jewelwing damselflies - the female is perched on the leaf. The male is flying by in a blur in the background. 
Print Available - HERE

Robin in the Garden

 "Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong." 
— Ella Fitzgerald

Print Available - HERE 

White-crowned Sparrow in the Blossoms

"Spring will come and so will happiness. 
Hold on. Life will get warmer." 
 — Anita Krizzan 

 Print Available - HERE

Natural Curves

“Delight in the little things.” 
– Rudyard Kipling 

 Print Available - HERE

Spring Sensations - Northern Cardinal

 "Love the life you live. Live the life you love." 
– Bob Marley

Print Available - HERE 


Red Admiral Butterfly - First Of Year - 2024

 “Sometimes it's worth lingering on the journey for a while before getting to the destination.” 
― Richelle Mead 

 First of Year (2024) Red Admiral Butterfly seen on 
Easter Sunday - 03-31-24 at the 
Hahn Horticulture Garden
Blacksburg, Virginia


Bee in the Bluebells

 “Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.” 
― Roy T. Bennett


Mink at the Pond

 "The funny thing about wishes. Sometimes all it took to make them come true was a first step." 
T.J. Klune

Jim and I set out last weekend to a special pond we visit. (see prior post pic of the pond).  Our goal was to find some spring wildlife, perhaps Red-winged blackbirds, tree swallows, a muskrat or two, and possibly the bullfrogs.  We were so excited to see this American Mink.  It was very far away, but I had my 500mm lens and he had his binoculars so we were able to get a good look.  We first thought it was a muskrat, but they are much "plumper" with a much different face.  These are not animals we see often. I think this may be my 3rd sighting of one, and Jim's second sighting.  We also saw our Red-winged blackbirds and tree swallows.  


Pond View

"Spring is when life's alive in everything." 
- Christina Rosetti

The tree swallows are back and flying around the pond.  I didn't realize I caught one in flight until I looked at the picture closer. 
We also saw a mink at the pond during this visit, which I will show in my next post.

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