
Little Bird - Big Leaves

Above - So small against the big leaves
Below - a closer look

I believe this to be a yellow-rumped warbler.


Anonymous said...

What delicate and lovely shots.

Anonymous said...

ooh, the closer look is wonderful!

Debbie said...

that second one is just fabulous!! the light, oh the light, this one is glorious!!

Denise at Autumn Sky said...

What a fun name. And nice photos!

Gillian Olson said...

Great pictures of this little guy.

Clytie said...

What a beautiful little bird - and the leaves make such a delightful frame!

P.S. Your gorgeous tree bark heart is featured on today's Guest Heart Thursday!

Jill said...

Beautiful! Love the perspective.

the wild magnolia said...

Bird beauty and nut brown colors and amazing clarity.


Thank you.

Ellie said...

That is a lovely shot.

Julie G. said...

Beautiful capture taken from a very cool angle. The background colors are fresh, colorful and lovely. Another terrific photograph!

Laura said...

so precious! I was happy to see your bark heart up at Clytie's today!!! I love sharing the LOVE! I hope you will consider sending me an email about what you are grateful for to add to this year's gratitude word quilt. It will be posted on my blog on Dec 31st. I am collecting expressions of gratitude from around the world.
Gentle steps,

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I understand they like to eat oranges. What a beautiful photograph.

Mary said...

I love warblers and see so few of them. This is pretty with the big leaves and the little bird.

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